Yes, the HTML <a> tag is supported by all major web browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Therefore, you can confidently use this tag knowing that it will function correctly across different platforms, ensuring a consistent user experience. ...
What is a tag attribute? A tag attribute is additional information that is included in an HTML or XML tag to provide more information about the tag or to modify its behavior. Attributes are specified using name-value pairs and are enclosed in the opening tag of the element. ...
Many people use the terms tag and element interchangeably, and any web designer or developer you speak with would understand what you meant, but the reality is that there is a slight difference between the two terms. HTML Tags HTML is amarkup language, which means that it is written with c...
The code for a meta description tag looks like this: <meta name="description" content="This is your meta description"> Meta descriptions don’t directly affect your rankings in Google, but a well-written meta description can encourage users to click on your link instead of scrolling past. He...
The code for a meta description tag looks like this: <meta name="description" content="This is your meta description"> Meta descriptions don’t directly affect your rankings in Google, but a well-written meta description can encourage users to click on your link instead of scrolling past. He...
What is a title tag and how can you optimize yours for the best results? Plus, learn how to ensure your title tag is SEO-friendly!
If the element is not found, myElement will contain null. Finding HTML Elements by Tag Name This example finds all <p> elements: Example varx = document.getElementsByTagName("p"); Try it Yourself » This example finds the element with id="main", and then finds all <p> elements insi...
The title tag is probably the most important part of a web pages onpage Google SEO and should be optimized for a small number of keywords or keyphrases, don’t keyword stuff the title tag. The title tag is actually an HTML element, so it’s correct name is the “Title Element” not...
Now, we have a colorful, easy-to-read menu to share with our customers. Moving Forward With HTML Wrappers Now that you know what an HTML wrapper is, how to create one, and how having one will help to improve your site, you can have some fun with them. Practice using wrappers to for...
Site Title– in WordPress, this is a single name for your entire website. Typically, it’s your brand name, but you can tweak it if needed. Website title/HTML title tag– each individual page on your site will have its own website title tag that’s used for Google search results and...