What is another word forquixotic? Needsynonyms for quixotic? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Having the desire to do idealistic deeds without pragmatism Existing only in the imagination Having or showing creativity or inventiveness ...
drowsy - 8 adjectives which are synonym of drowsy (sentence examples) 34 related questions found Why do I feel sleepy even after sleeping for 8 hours? One of the simplest explanations is that it could bedue to your body requiring more rest than the average person. However, it is also like...
Synonym of impoverish, to make poor. Rich Wealthy: having a lot of money and possessions. Poor To become poor. Rich Having an intense fatty or sugary flavour. A rich dish; rich cream or soup; rich pastry Poor (obsolete) To call poor. Rich Remunerative. Poor Destitute of property; wantin...
What is another word foroutrank? Needsynonyms for outrank? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts To exceed in weight or importance To be superior to Verb ▲ To exceed in weight or importance
What type of word is distasteful? As detailed above, 'distasteful' is anadjective. Adjective usage: Scrubbing the floors was a distasteful duty to perform. Adjective usage: distasteful language. What is the synonym of distasteful? unpleasant,disagreeable, displeasing, unpleasing, undesirable. off-putt...
andoutrageousare all examples of adjectives. Sometimes, however, these adjectives on their own are not enough. You might want to say that a joke is not onlyfunny, but also so funny that no other joke can live up to it. Or you might need to say a shoe smells so bad that its stench...
In writing, it is possible to turn anything into an interjection by using an exclamation point. Listed below are just some examples: Yes! You! Unbelievable! No way! Never! Dad! Outrageous! Interesting! Faster! Thank you! More cowbell!
I’d just ask this: please stop using ‘working-class’ as a synonym for ‘uneducated’, ‘uneducatable’, and/or ‘unable to deal with complicated concepts’. Just stop it. It’s inaccurate, it’s condescending, and it’s really unhelpful both to feminism and to most everything else....
outrageously awful lies. For example, something that seems small such as telling her that you're going to the library with friends, when you really go to the local diner instead, may give her cause to doubt you. If you truly care about your relationship, your best bet is to be honest...
is brought to you byPillsburybrandSynonym Rolls. It’s the sweet, tasty, delicious. ambrosial, appetizing, delectable, flavorful, mouthwatering, palatable, scrumptious, succulent, toothsome, yummy treat you can make in your own home, abode, dwelling, habitation, pad, place, quarters, or residence...