7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English out‧ra‧geous/aʊtˈreɪdʒəs/●○○adjective1veryshockingand extremelyunfairoroffensiveoutrageous pricesan outrageous attack on his policiesit is outrageous (that)It’s outrageous that the poor should pay such high taxes.2extremelyunusual...
The meaning of DRAG is to draw or pull slowly or heavily : haul. How to use drag in a sentence.
newoutfitfor theparty.•As a result, thetraditionalpartyoutfitofflamboyantcravatandtweedjackethas beenreplacedby the ninety-nine-poundwoolsuit.•At aphotographicsession, she will wear a figure-huggingleopardprintoutfitof cross-overtopandskintightleggings.•We gotoutrageousclothes -totaloutfits.•I...
In British English,beastlyis sometimes used as an informalintensifierto mean very, extremely, or outrageously, as inIt’s beastly cold out thereorThat was a beastly rude thing to do. In this case,beastlyis used as an adverb, rather than an adjective. ...
relationships with men in the first place. Over and over again, we get the message that women can be capable, autonomous beings, but there always has to be some man – or men – inserted into the story who is more than a friend or could become more. The imperative of romance is ever...
(2)DoweusethesamekindofmetaphorsinEnglishandinChinese?Givesomeexamplesthat showtheirconvergenceanddivergence. Yes.节省/浪费时间,耗时,etc. (3)Whatmetaphorsdoyouknowthatrelatetothefollowingthemes? language:桥梁、工具、资源 life:舞台、行程、教科书
III)6 10.1Typesofchanges Degradation/Degeneration SillyVillain,boor,churlCunning Englishlexicology(III)7 10.1Typesofchanges Degradation/Degeneration Intensifiers terrific,fantastic,marvelous,splendid,magnificent,wonderful,superb,tremendous,overpowering,fabulous……horrible,outrageous,awful,dreadful….
The Donation of Constantine is the most outrageous and powerful forgery in world history. The question of its precise time of origin alone kept generations of researchers occupied. But, what exactly is the Donation of Constantine? To find the answer, it is necessary to approach the question on...
outward impression of rank, position, or wealth. bearing or demeanor in confronting anything: a calm front. haughtiness; self-importance: That clerk has the most outrageous front. the forehead, or the entire face: the statue's gracefully chiseled front. ...