One common test for sleep apnea is called anocturnal polysomnography. “During this test, you’re hooked up to equipment that monitors your heart, lung and brain activity, breathing patterns, arm and leg movements, and blood oxygen levels while you sleep,” the Mayo Clinic websiteexplains. Som...
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder which occurs whenbreathing stops and starts repeatedly. You could have sleep apnea if you know you snore loudly and youstill feel tired right through the day even if you thought you had enough sleep. Sleep apnea can happen when your throat muscles relax at th...
For some reason, we decided to wear it as abadge of honor that we can get by on not enough sleep. This all adds up to areal health crisis. Most of us know that poor sleep is linked to diseases likeAlzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, stroke a...
a consultant to theAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine. "Studies demonstrate that when one bed partner has a sleep disorder it can negatively affect the other sleeper. For example, bed partners tend to wake up at the same time when one has insomnia. Similarly, when bed partners differ in ...
Sleep bruxismis a sleep disorder in which you clench or grind your teeth. This can occur infrequently and may not require treatment; however, for some, it can be so severe that it leads to headaches, flattened or chipped teeth, and jaw problems such as tightness, soreness, and difficulties...
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder marked by trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. When chronic, it can be treated.
Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder featuring panic attacks in which you experience sudden, unexpected fear, even when there’s no danger.
Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder that causes you to have sudden panic attacks. A panic attack is a strong feeling of fear or discomfort. The attack starts suddenly, is worst 10 minutes after it starts, and stops within 20 minutes. The attack may have a trigger, or it may happen for...
___ is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. How can you differentiate the insomnia associated with anxiety versus that associated with depression? What kind of disorder is depression? The term ___ refers to a sleep disorder in which a person s...
People with a REM sleep behavior disorder may enact their dreams while they’re in REM sleep, usually keeping their eyes closed. However, this is a separate condition. Sleepwalking arises from a very different stage of sleep – the deepest stage of non-REM...