square (shape) 斜方形 xié fāngxíng rhomb 长斜方形 cháng xiéfāngxíng rhomboid 近正方形 jìn zhèngfāngxíng subquadrate Derived Words or Phrases Sign-inSimilar-sounding Words Sign-inNew Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables Full Search...
A rhomboid is a type of parallelogram with unequal adjacent sides and slanted angles, while a rhombus is a parallelogram with equal sides and equal opposite angles.
(vii) NonagonA plane figure with nine straight sides and nine angles.– (viii) DecagonA plane figure with ten straight sides and ten angles.– In the below figure, we can see the different types of polygons. Circle in Geometry A Circle is a simple closed shape. From a certain point ca...
Purim is a celebration that commemorates the victory of the Jewish people over their enemies during the time of the ancient Persian Empire in the fifth century BCE. The story, as recorded in the Book of Esther from the Hebrew Bible, tells of a plot by Haman, an adviser to the Persian Em...
Does climbing get you in shape? Rock climbing is a full-body workout, and you'll need the power of your glutes, along with your leg muscles, to propel yourself upward. Back: Yes. Muscles like your rhomboids, trapezius, and lats work with your core to keep you stable on the wall. ...
structure. Under the microscope, a placoid scale looks like a little hook. Each scale consists of a spine pointed in the backwards direction. This spine shoots out of a basal plate that is somewhat rhomboidal in shape. This spine is made up of similar material as the enamel of a human ...
The spine is the bony structure that rises up the middle of the back and encloses the spinal cord. In humans, the spine consists...
The rear deltoid lateral raise also works the rhomboids, responsible for pulling the shoulder blades toward each other and improving posture. Personal trainers often prescribe this exercise to clients with muscle imbalances between their chest and upper back muscles. ...
The scapula is connected to the trunk of the body by several different muscles. The rhomboids, levator scapulae, and trapezius all connect the scapula...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts can answer your ...
A racket is used in sports like tennis with a netted string area, while a bat is solid, used in games like baseball.