Letter Alphabet A Edit image Woman Model Edit image Fabric Tissue Cotton Edit image Dividers Silver Gold Edit image Rhomboid Lines Abstract Edit image Fir Branch Edit image Medals Silver Edit image Autumn Reed Edit image Ring Silver Jewelry Edit image Glitter Powder Structure Edit image Woman Necklac...
Through variation of a simple parameter of the superellipse function different shapes such as ellipses, rhomboids, and rectangles can be easily generated. This paper proposes a classification of the shape based directly on a parameter of the superellipse known as the squareness parameter. The first ...
Fig. 4. The segmentation results of color raw seed images (a) Celosia argentea (b) Bidens Pilosa (c) Parthenium hysterophorus (d) Hyptis rhomboidei. 3.2. Seed identification To further evaluate the performance of various CNNs, 14 096 samples were used to test the trained CNNs. The authe...
"Peng FA Sheng Sheng" means wearing headwear without combing or untangle hair. Later generations are interpreted as a double rhomboid jade hairpin, combining imagination with a primitive man wearing animal skins, hanging animal tail and wearing animal tooth ornaments, and at the same time, the cos...
Notably,the rhomboidal metallacycle and hexagonal metallacycle gave rise todifferent holographic performances although they featured a similarliquid crystal phase behavior. Therefore, this research not only providesthe first successful example of supramolecular liquid-crystallinemetallacycles for holographic ...
3.2.2. Rhomboid Zebra Crossing SSoommee zzeebbrraa ccrroossssiinnggss aarree rreeccoonnssttrruucctteedd aass rrhhoommbbooiidd sshhaappee bbeeccaauussee ooff tthhee rrooaadd oorriieennttaattiioonnss,, aass sshhoowwnn iinn FFiigguurree 1188.. IInn oouurr aallggoorriitthhmm,, EEqquu...