beliefs. Butit was Aristotle who devised a system of presenting an argument in a logicalform—the syllogism. Logical arguments, he said, consist of two premisesleading to a conclusion. Each step of the argument is a statement, or proposition,in a particular form, such as “All X are Y,”...
(Logic) A proposition related to another in such a way that if the latter is true, the former must be false, but if the latter is false, the former is not necessarily true. Contradictory That is diametrically opposed to something. Contrary In an opposite direction or manner; counter The ...
the word “argument” refers to disagreement as such (like an argument with a roommate about who should bring out the trash). On the other hand, “argument” refers to “a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition.” As we’ll see, academic argument has...
环保总局叫停环保违规项目,正是公共服务型政府的职能归位。相比建设钢铁厂、发电站和汽车生产线,政府更应当干的事情是保护环境、投资教育和建立健全社会保障体制等。众所周知,前者正面临着过度投资后的全面过剩,而后者却有数以万亿计的财政窟窿等待填补。 对这段话,概括准确的是( )。
a proposition.I take it they mean intended to establish a certain proposition.So that's a pretty cool definition, if you think about it, because it tells you what an argument is made of.It's a series of statements, and statements are made in language,so arguments are made of language....
The proposition X is a rose entails the proposition X is a flower because all roses are flowers. Presupposition In the branch of linguistics known as pragmatics, a presupposition (or PSP) is an implicit assumption about the world or background belief relating to an utterance whose truth is ...
Capitalism is a relatively new type of social arrangement for producing goods in an economy. It arose largely along with the advent of theIndustrial Revolution, some time in the late 17th century.5Before capitalism, other systems of production and social organization were prevalent. ...
of an argument: to offer reasons and evidence for the purpose of establishing the truth value of a proposition, which can mean either establishing that the proposition is true or establishing that the proposition is false. If a series of statements does not do this, it isn’t an argument. ...
Hypothesisalso refers to “a proposition assumed as apremisein an argument,” or “mereassumptionor guess.” For example: She decided to drink more water for a week to test out herhypothesisthat dehydration was causing her terrible headaches. ...
Argument In logic and philosophy, an argument is a series of statements (in a natural language), called the premises or premisses (both spellings are acceptable), intended to determine the degree of truth of another statement, the conclusion. The logical form of an argument in a natural lang...