A biopsy is not used in the diagnosis of this type of cancer: a. leukemia b. breast c. lung d. bladder A patient has a blood disease characterized by a greatly increased white blood cell count consisting of mature lymphocytes, with anemia and thromboc...
(a) What is a bipolar neuron? (b) What roles do they play?Neurons:Neurons are also known as nerve cells and are a part of the nervous system. Neurons are highly specialized cells. Neurons transmit information throughout the body.Answer and Explanation: ...
A fasting plasma glucose testis when your child's blood sugar level is tested after he or she has fasted for 8 hours. Fasting means your child has not eaten anything or had anything to drink except water. A random glucose testcan be done any time of day, no matter how long ago your ...
Multiple myeloma (MM) is the most common form of plasma cell malignancy, accounting for about 1.7% of all malignant tumors [1]. Although the use of a variety of treatment options such as high-dose chemotherapy, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), proteasome inhibitors (PIs), immunom...
High-molecular weight dextran is a plasma volume expander made from natural sources of sugar (glucose). It works by restoring blood plasma lost through severe bleeding. Severe blood loss can decrease oxygen levels and can lead to organ failure, brain damage, coma, and possibly death. Plasma is...
In fact, the depth of villous tissue invasiveness into the myometrium is various and thus, modern pathologists have defined this kind of abnormality as a spectrum disorder, with three categories representing the range of pathologic invasiveness of the placenta: placenta accreta (anchoring villi adhere...
There are other genes that can be involved in desminopathy. For instance, there is a gene for a protein that interacts with desmin calledalpha B-crystallin, and its mutation can cause the development of desminopathy. Other unidentified genes have also been linked to the disorder. ...
Theprimarydisorderisanincreaseinglomerularpermea-bilitytoplasmaproteins.▲FootprocessesofthevisceralepitheliumoftheGBM.1.Theconstructionoftheglomerularbasementmembranehaschanged.2.ThelossofthenegativechargesontheGBM.PATHOLOGY PrimaryNS:w MinimalChangeNephropathy(MCN):80%Mesangialproliferativeglomerulonephritis...
What should patients think about when they are considering a stem cell therapy? Going to a for-profit, unproven stem cell clinic is particularly risky and raises more questions. Patient guide to stem cell therapies For better or worse, I am in the unique position of being a stem cell ...
Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that affects the white blood cells called plasma cells. Plasma cells are important because they help our bodies fight infections by making antibodies. The cancer cells do not produce antibodies and instead make abnormal proteins within the body. Multiple myeloma...