Studies show thatthe bench pressdevelops your pecs to a greater degree thanpush-ups. For example, according to an October 2012 research from theAmerican Council on Exercise(ACE), the barbell bench press is superior at activating the chest muscles compared with the push-up, pec deck machine, c...
if your gym is well-equipped and not too busy, giant sets are an excellent method for getting a lot of work done in a short amount of time. They’ll drive the intensity of your workout through the roof!
Pec-Deck Flyes This one targets the pecs too, and the major difference is that this is a machine exercise instead of a free-weight exercise. So why are they both on the list? Simple, because I’ve seen a whole lot of people not being able to keep their slightly bent arm that way w...
Seated Calf RaiseSince calf training usually consists of machine only exercises, you can rest assured that all bodybuilders use this machine. Since this is a bent leg exercise, most of the tension is placed on the soleus, although the gastrocnemius is also involved. Smith MachineThis popular ma...
The pec deck yanks your arms backward as you approach the end of the range of motion, and when you relax at the end of the set, which can harm your shoulder joints. Rather than use a machine, stick to free-weight exercises that move in a safe range of motion. Use these instead: Du...