Increase in nicotine pouch (NP) users, particularly among the young, is a matter of concern requiring a comprehensive understanding of its short- and long-term oral health implications. The objective of this research was to systematically review potential oral side-effects associated with NP usage....
Surgical treatment is a palliative intervention for end-stage OA, which is not suitable for young patients and the elderly who cannot tolerate surgery. In addition, the life of artificial joints is limited, and there are many postoperative complications. Therefore, the prominent imperative is to ...
Sloan, P. Gregor, F. Sullivan, D. Detmer, J. P. Kahan, W. Oortwijn, and S. MacGillivray. 2005. "What Is eHealth ? A Scoping Exercise to Map the Field." J Med Internet Res. Jan-Mar 7 (1): e9.
Medical subject headings (MeSH) and keywords (for example –‘uterine artery embolisation’ and ‘fertility’) were utilised with searches performed in turn using each database. The reference list of relevant papers was also reviewed for additional studies. Our Pubmed search strategy is included in...
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a systemic protozoan disease that is transmitted by phlebotomine sandflies. Poor and neglected populations in East Africa and the Indian sub-continent are particularly affected. Early and accurate diagnosis and treatment re
To describe how longitudinal continuity of care (COC) is measured using claims-based data and to review its association with healthcare use and costs. Rapid review of the literature. We searched Medline (PubMed), EMBASE and Cochrane Central, manually che
the use of platelet function tests (PFTs) enhances clinical outcomes by reducing thromboembolic risks, underscoring the importance of tailored antiplatelet strategies. However, the duration of DAPT, a factor often extended with lower-porosity stents, has shown no significant effect on long-term outcomes...
A literature search of databases (PubMed, ERIC, EMBASE) was conducted using the MesH terms Education, Medical and Dementia or the closest possible set of terms within each database to identify relevant articles. Further relevant papers were obtained by manual searches, internet searches and from ...
A scoping review is a method of research synthesis that aims to map existing literature in a field of interest and identify types of evidence available in a given topic [13]. We used a scoping review strategy to examine how sleep discrepancy has been conceptualised in the literature and ident...
Despite recent major advances in developing effective vaccines against toxoplasmosis, finding new protective vaccination strategies remains a challenging and elusive goal as it is critical to prevent the disease. Over the past few years, various experimental approaches have shown that developing an effectiv...