MeSH Terms 基于上一步中我们遇到的问题【同一概念有不同的描述词】,可以使用MeSH Database帮助确认。MeSH(Medical Subject Headings)即医学主题词,在PubMed中每一个概念都对应一个唯一主题词,同时对应文献的摘要/标题中也进行了主题词标引,使用主题词检索能够获得更精准的检索结果。 MeSH Database。 在MeSH中输入目...
The purpose of this study was to create a search filter for studies of exercise training programs for the PubMed electronic bibliographic database. Methods Candidate search terms were identified from three sources: exercise-relevant MeSH terms and their corresponding Entry terms, word frequency ...
Using clinical questions, this report illustrates how search terms common to physical therapist practice do or do not map to appropriate MeSH terms. A PubMed search strategy that takes advantage of text words and MeSH terms is provided. Results. A search of 139 terms and 13 acronyms was ...
Additionally, MeSH terms were retrieved by cross-querying PubMed and indexed as MeSH descriptors and MeSH qualifiers. Finally, UMLS concepts were ‘mined’ from abstracts and titles at indexing time (using the MetamapLite toolFootnote 8) and appended to the index as Metamap of title and Meta...
way to map users' queries to relevant Medical Subject Headings (MeSH terms) used by the National Library of Medicine to index the biomedical literature. ... YL Zieman,HL Bleich - Proceedings: a conference of the American Medical Informatics Association / ... AMIA Annual Fall Symposium. AMIA ...
advanced search features of each database are also noted: searches using MeSH terms in PubMed and KoreaMed; differences in the "related documents" algorithms of PubMed and SCI; citation analysis using "analyze results" in Web of Science and SCOPUS; and citation tracking in Synapse and PubMed...
但不要担心,PubMed里还有强大的MeSH Terms(主题词检索)功能。这是PubMed特有的医学主题词库,每一个概念都有一个对应的主题词。通过MeSH,你可以排除那些模糊的描述,提高检索的准确性。例如,使用MeSH数据库查找“单细胞”相关的主题词,可以帮助你确保获得的文章都是围绕该主题而生的。
The automatic search was conducted as scheduled based on the predetermined MeSH terms. The left panel includes the microarray-related technology (upper section) and clinical applications (lower section), which are different sites studied. The right column shows the interface of Entrez PubMed. The li...
Electronic databaseSearch terms Scopus; Pubmed/MEDLINE; Web of Science; IEEE Xplore; ACM Digital Library; Academic Search Ultimate (via Ebsco-Host) (artificial intelligence OR recommend* system* OR clinical recommendation OR decision support systems OR medical devices OR mobile application* OR mobile...
Two of the authors of the original systematic review (Katchamart and Bombardier) are among the authors of this current study.Appropriate medical subject heading (MeSH) terms and their synonyms were identified for the three main concepts (rheumatoid arthritis, MTX, and randomized controlled trials)....