IBM puts it like this: "[M]achine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence. Deep learning is a subfield ofmachine learning, and neural networks make up the backbone of deep learning algorithms. The number of node layers, or depth, of neural networks distinguishes a single neural netw...
(sXX); NATIONAL LAMPOON'S CHRISTMAS VACATION, THE POLAR EXPRESS, THE YEAR WITHOUT A SANTA CLAUS and all related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (sXX); THE POLAR EXPRESS book and characters © & ™ 1985 by Chris Van Allsburg. Used by permission of ...
Needsynonyms for gagman? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Noun A writer or performer of gags “This may have been, in part, due to the fact that he was honing his skills as a writer andgagmanat the time.” ...
"About" is a preposition or adverb dealing with location, direction, or subject matter, while "bout" is a noun referring to a short period or contest.
A person or thing that is the object of ridicule or criticism “This action makes amockeryof the government's plans.” Noun ▲ Teasing or contemptuous language or behavior “Why do the really dreadful singers set themselves up for scorn andmockerywhen they have to know that's what they're...
A satirical poem (such poems having been anciently written in iambic verse); a satire; a lampoon. Iambic A verse line consisting of iambs Iambic Of or consisting of iambs; Iambic pentameter Common Curiosities Can a poem combine trochaic and iambic meters? Yes, poets often combine different ...
Ridiculed in a National Lampoon cartoon Entry at The Button Museum A photo of me at age 12 wearing my button Another reason they castigated the press is because cults have to train their members to distrust outside sources, since all sources outside the group (friends, family, the media)...
The U.S. Sun recently reported that Tally's job is to keep stock on shelves when needed but some shoppers feel that Tally is getting in the way. The article notes that some customers have a downright violent attitude toward Tally. One shopper asked on social media the following: ...
Official website of hit pop songwriter Mark Mueller. Writer of Disney's “DuckTales” Theme Song, Disney's “Chip ’n Dale: Rescue Rangers” Theme Song and #1 pop hits “Crush” by Jennifer Paige, “That's What Love Is For” by Amy Grant and “Nothin’ A
These days, there are so many great animated shows and movies aimed at all ages that plenty of folks still turn to cartoons as a respite from the real world. Animation is a modern art form: It can be a commentary on society and a way of understanding the world, giving viewers the oppo...