lampoon- a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way parody,pasquinade,put-on,sendup,spoof,charade,mockery,burlesque,travesty,takeoff caricature,impersonation,imitation- a representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect ...
lampoon 2 of 2 verb lampooned; lampooning; lampoons transitive verb : to make the subject of a lampoon : ridicule lampooner noun lampoonery lam-ˈpü-nə-rē -ˈpün-rē noun Did you know? Lampoon can be a noun or a verb. The noun lampoon (meaning "satire" or, ...
Lampoon can be a noun or a verb. The noun lampoon (meaning "satire" or, specifically, "a harsh satire usually directed against an individual") was first used in English in the 17th century and may be familiar from the names of humor publications such as The Harvard Lampoon and its now-...
the use of ridicule, irony, sarcasm, etc., to expose folly or vice or to lampoon someone; burlesque, caricature, parody Not to be confused with: satyr– one of a class of Greek woodland gods with a goat’s or horse’s ears and tail and budding horns; a lustful or sensual man; lech...
a sharp, often virulent satire directed against an individual or institution; a work of literature, art, or the like, ridiculing severely the character or behavior of a person, society, etc. verb (used with object) to mock or ridicule in a lampoon:to lampoon important leaders in the governm...
speech or action intended to cause contemptuous laughter at a person or thing; derision. Synonyms:irony,satire,sarcasm,raillery,mockery verb (used with object) ,rid·i·culed,rid·i·cul·ing. to deride; make fun of. Synonyms:lampoon,satirize,burlesque,twit,rally,chaff,banter ...
1 definition of the word lampooned. Verb Ridicule with satireWhat Scrabble words can I make with the letters in lampooned? 7 Letter Words lampoon11 6 Letter Words almond9 daemon9 dampen11 dolman9 dolmen9 lamped11 loamed9 loaned7 loomed9 looped9 moaned9 mooned9 noodle7 onload7 palmed11 ...
n a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way n something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage n a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement Synonym(s) parody lampoon spoof sendup mockery takeoff burl...
Lampooning.] To subject to abusive ridicule expressed in writing; to make the subject of a lampoon. Ribald poets had lampooned him. --Macaulay. Syn: To libel; defame; satirize; lash. SpoonilySpoonily Spoon"i*ly, adv. In a spoony manner. Meaning of Pooni from wikipedia - Simon Pooni, ...
'" (H. Beard,The Harvard Lampoon,Bored of the Rings, 1969) Characteristics of Parodies "[M]ostparodyworthy of the name is ambivalent toward its target. This ambivalence may entail not only a mixture of criticism and sympathy for the parodied text, but also the creative expansion of it ...