no one has given a straight answer about exactly what it is they’re building. (A quick side note: This piece focuses on the AI debate in the US and Europe, largely because many of the best-funded, most cutting-edge AI labs are there. But of course there’s important research...
Today, we’re going to take a closer look at how to use imagery to analyze a text.We’ll start by giving you the imagery definition before talking about why it’s an important tool for analyzing a text. Then we’ll walk you through some imagery examples in poetry and fiction and show...
What is science fiction? To begin with, the following definition should be helpful:science fiction is a literary sub-class which requires a change (for human beings) from conditions as we know them and follow the implications of these changes to a conclusion. Although this definition will necess...
This is still a timeframe in progress, but there are obvious trending genres. Among them are graphic novels and manga, as well as the rise of hypertext. Some other genres that have become popular during this timeframe are auto-fiction, speculative fiction, and experimental fiction, which all...
The word fictional means invented by the imagination; this is the word we most commonly use to describe works of fiction—e.g., novels, TV shows, movies, and plays. Although Felipa’s new book is fictional, it has autobiographical elements. Some quotation of song lyrics as part of a fict...
Classic Authors and Works of Belgian Literature Revolution, Inquisition and Monks: Gothic in the Late 18th Century Examples of Ancient Pagan Sanctuaries Destroyed by Christians What Is "Poetic License"?: Definition and Examples
Science fiction: the chosen one character, time travel, power-mad scientists Fairy tales: talking animals, reversals of fortune, heroic quests Tropes vs. clichés Today, the wordtropeis frequently used to convey something negative, a synonym forcliché—a narrative gimmick or convention that has be...
To read critically, you only need to read to identify and evaluate the ‘quality’ of a text. Quality can mean different things depending on the purpose and context of a text. Note, the quality here is different than the ‘quality’ of literature or film, or other fiction. In these case...
GoogleFacebook (Image: Warner Bros) Where they start:Gatsby, a mysterious millionaire, throws lavish parties and is (superficially) popular and well-regarded by Long Island’s social elite. The fatal flaw:His obsessive and delusional love for his former sweetheart, Daisy. ... started out with a good definition of what is a dilemma, but then they ruined it with their second entry. They should have stopped while they were ahead. Instead of answering what is a dilemma, they gave definitions for problems too. ...