action selection action view action fiction action thriller horro actioncomedy and chic actionthriller and ro action-angle coordina action-anticipateing actionkung fu actionandreaction actionbars actionbycontact actionclaim actiondrcuit actions negative or p action synchronizing activate fm activate skin te...
abhold abhorrence fiction abhorring abhyasa abide by its commitme abide in abidebybefaithfulto abidebysth abides by honestly abides in the dharma abiding by the owners abiding in christ abiding in this stage abierto sincero franc abies beshonzuensis abiesziyuanensisi abigail abigails lovely pet ...
01、写日记 ≠ write a diary 错误:write a diary 正确:keep a diary Saying "write a diary" implies that the person is writing a book, or a work of fiction, not a personal day-by-day memoir. By definition a diary is the personal accounts/reflections/feelings of the author. Usually folks...
【小题3】据Generally speaking, it is often used to describe anything from creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama and fiction可知它包括诗歌、戏剧、虚构的小说等, 故该空应填Poetry/Poems【小题4】根据文中信息◇ To get to make us learn about traditions, attitudes and values of the...
15.Writing a book review is not like writing a fiction,where you have your freedom to express any type of literary mood.Here,you are limited within the scope,which is related only to the book or the literature and nothing else.To write a proper literary review,you should follow some impor...
book (bʊk) n. 1. a long written or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usu. on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers: a book of poems; a book of short stories. 2. such a literary work in any format: Do you like listening to books on tape? 3. a num...
book (bʊk) n. 1. a long written or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usu. on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers: a book of poems; a book of short stories. 2. such a literary work in any format: Do you like listening to books on tape? 3. a num...
An academic, and the writer of both non-fiction and fiction, Raymond Williams (1921–88) was one of the most important and influential British thinkers of the twentieth century. Williams wrote about politics, culture, mass media and literature, and his work was key to the development of cultu...
it also has the unmistakable feel of a bridge book. That said, I am interested in seeing how the next installment will handle the questions and conflicts that have been left enticingly open. The book’s ending sets the stage for what promises to be explosively fun times in the journey ahe...
book (bʊk) n. 1. a long written or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usu. on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers: a book of poems; a book of short stories. 2. such a literary work in any format: Do you like listening to books on tape? 3. a num...