Three years in the making, the thought-provoking anthology features eye-popping action and directorial work by a trio of genre geniuses: Kôji Morimoto, Tensai Okamura and Katsuhiro Ãtomo. "Memories" is made up of three separate science-fiction stories. In the first, "Magnetic ...
“A reasonable day. We struggled to find a bit of confidence given the gusts of wind, so we didn’t get the best feeling, but I think the pace is reasonable. We’re in the mix, which is a good sign. It should make our lives exciting tomorrow – but we’ve still got ...
Part of the problem is that “art rock” has all too often served as a pigeonhole into which negligent hacks have stuffed any number of contenders, too awkwardly shaped to slot neatly into any other sub-category. It’s been described as “rock music that incorporates elements of traditional ...
To call the Scottish duo's tracks little more than testing fodder, however, would be to damn them with faint praise. Music Has the Right to Children might be a ridiculous name, but it's rightly been received as a landmark electronic release that has helped continue the resurgence of Scotti...
“It was a very interesting Friday. This morning we went a bit off balance, but we now have a very good understanding of the direction we need to take. Things are certainly looking much better than they did last weekend, which is positive. The tyre degradation seems to be quite...
Mycroft enlists the pair of Holmes and Watson after two modern murders of figures who work for the Queen. North the trio goes and are all soon in the thick of mystery and stories of hauntings and a pool of blood that never dries. ...
POSITIVE SPIN FOR BOWLERS FROM BELL; Tough Test Just What England Trio NeededSunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)
Brown is the current Supercars points leader Down Under, with Waters fourth in the championship standings. But stateside, the duo are simply rookies looking to see if their skills can transfer to NASCAR’s Next Gen car the way SVG’s did a season ago. “Watching what SVG did last year, ...
This is used to enter the name, number or address of the person you want to call as well as for such things as to search in the phone book and to maintain your list of contacts (the My contacts). Text entry essentials • If you press a number key when you are not i...
Disney Bundle Trio Basic (Duo Basic plus ESPN Plus): $16.99 per month, or $26.99 for Premium (ad-free except on ESPN Plus) Disney Bundle Legacy (ad-free Disney Plus, ad-enabled Hulu, ESPN Plus): $14.99 per month The third one on that list, called 'Disney Bundle Legacy' isn't ...