食品同学看过来,为什么三角检验triangle test结果比二三检验duo-trio结果的数据性更强?麻烦罗列一下理由...
Two sets of expanded tables have been compiled for use in determining significance in paired-difference and triangle tests (one-tailed) and in paired-preference tests (two-tailed). One set of tables lists the number of correct responses (or agreeing judgments) for trials ranging from 7–100, ...
食品同学看过来,为什么三角检验triangle test结果比二三检验duo-trio结果的数据性更强?麻烦罗列一下理由...
Bayarri, S., Carbonell, I., Izquierdo, L., & Tarrega, A. (2008). Replicated triangle and duo- trio tests: Discrimination capacity of assessors evaluated by Bayes' rule. Food Quality and Preference, 19(5), 519-523.
The density functions of the discrimination rates are not proper beta distributions but the sections of beta distributions corresponding to the interval of the independent variable from 1/3 to 1 in triangle tests and from 1/2 to 1 in duo-trio tests.Bayarri...
1978. Expanded statistical tables for estimating signifi- cance in paired-preference, paired-difference, duo-trio and triangle test. Journal of Food Scienc, 43: 940-947.Roessler EB, Pangborn RM, Sidel JL, Stone H. Expanded sta- tistical tables for estimating significance in paired-preference, ...
Higher performance of constant- reference duo-trio test incorporating affective reference framing in comparison with triangle test. Food Quality and Preference, 32, 113-125.Kim M-A, Chae J-E, van Hout D, Lee H-S: Higher performance of constant-reference duo-trio test incorporating affective ...
Journal of Food ScienceRadkins, A.P. 1957. Some statistical considerations in organoleptic research: triangle, paired, duo-trio tests. Food Research, 22, 259-265.Radkins AP. Some statistical considerations in organoleptic re- search: triangle, paired, duo-trio test. Fed Res 1957; 22:259-65...
Summary table of several discrimination experiments using the simple-binomial protocols (Duo-Trio, Triangle, Tetrad, 2-AFC and 3-AFC)Rune Haubo B Christensen
食品同学看过来,为什么三角检验triangle test结果比二三检验duo-trio结果的数据性更强?麻烦罗列一下理由...