Understanding Our Times and Knowing What to Do 1 Chron “And the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should. God’s Plan For Leadership in the Local Church Leadership Is Needed “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was ...
Apostles, on the other hand, carry a specific mandate to spread the teachings they have received. The term is most closely associated with Christianity, where the Apostles were chosen by Jesus Christ to spread his teachings throughout the world. 8 Discipleship involves a personal commitment to ...
Baptism is the very first sacrament and the first step towards a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. People usually get baptized as babies but it does not have any age limit. When babies get baptized, the priest sprinkles holy water upon your forehead but sometimes when you’re ...
ato increase these from 10 to 15 in number and then to convert them into discipleship groups. 数量上增加这些从10到15然后转换他们成弟子的身分小组。[translate] aAs we discussed last week in Shanghai, we will develop a new sprinkler system in Marine project. 因为我们在上海上星期谈论了,我们在海...
A community anchored in love, fellowship, friendship, care, compassion, discipleship, encouragement, faith, fun, joy and delight. I recognized that the under-girding bedrock aspect of the life of these people, who so lovingly welcomed me into their midst, was their Christian faith and how they...
Our emphasis is on learning by doing and practicing. I have a tendency to use a lot of analogies. Do you remember when your teenager turned age 15 and wanted to learn how to drive a car? The teen driver had to go to Driver’s Ed Class. During the semester of classes, the teen rea...
If you want to learn the truth about hell and what the Bible actually teaches about hell, make sure you get a copy of my book, (#AmazonAdLink)What is Hell? Also, if you are part of my discipleship group, there will bean online course about hellas well. ...
(Matthew 19:16-22) Notice that Jesus did not just say, 'Give to the poor and you will get life.' Instead, he added, "Come be my follower." In other words, as commendable and beneficial as charitable acts are, Christian discipleship involves more. Jesus' chief interest was in helping ...
Much, however, is known of the time after his conversion to Christ and what he did to contribute to Christianity in this period, and it is this that leaves a greater legacy than the simple facts of his life. The contributions that he made towards the cause of Christ and the spreading ...