Apostle, (from Greek apostolos, “person sent”),any of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus Christ. The term is sometimes also applied to others, especially Paul, who was converted to Christianity a few years after Jesus' death. What is the difference between discipleship and apostleship? What ...
Understanding Our Times and Knowing What to Do 1 Chron “And the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should. God’s Plan For Leadership in the Local Church Leadership Is Needed “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was ...
Apostles, on the other hand, carry a specific mandate to spread the teachings they have received. The term is most closely associated with Christianity, where the Apostles were chosen by Jesus Christ to spread his teachings throughout the world. 8 Discipleship involves a personal commitment to ...
作门徒的代价(Cost of Discipleship) 3月 31, 2012 于是,耶稣对门徒说:“若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,背起他的十字架,来跟从我。因为凡要救自己生命的(“生命”或作“灵魂”。下同),必丧掉生命;凡为我丧掉生命的,必得着生命。人若赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有什么益处呢?人还能拿什么换生命呢?...”...
“Hell is a Kingdom”by Brad Jersak You must Register to take this Course You must register to take this course.The normal price for this course is $297. However, those who are part of the Discipleship Group get to take the entire courseabsolutely free(a $297 value!). ...
It is a fundamental Christian concept and is often associated with faith and discipleship. Here are some key aspects of obedience in this context: Obedience to God: Christians believe that obeying God is the highest moral duty. It involves following God's commandments, living according to His ...
You must register to take this course.The normal price for this course is $197. However, those who are part of the Discipleship Group get to take the entire courseabsolutely free(a $197 value!). Go here tojoin a discipleship group today. If you are already part of a grouplog in here...
And so learning emotional intelligence, it turns out, is a key part of our Christian maturity and thus discipleship and spiritual formation. This is something we have not given much focus to, but need to. So love God and love others — realizing that our call is not just to do it, but...
It is the public profession of faith and discipleship. Being a baptized person signifies-- A confession of faith in Christ; A cleansing or washing of the soul from sin; A death to sin and a new life in righteousness. The mode and subjects of baptism being much-controverted subjects, each...