/openmp:llvmis now available on x86 and ARM64, in addition to x64 Include directories can now be designated as external with customized compilation warning levels and code analysis settings. Added the/await:strictoption to enable C++20-style coroutines in earlier language modes. ...
Day 197 Day 197: Player Shooting & Coroutines Jul 23, 2019 Day 198 Day 198: Scripatble Objects Unity Jul 24, 2019 Day 199 Day 199: Spawning and paths Jul 25, 2019 Day 2 Day 2: Audio and Video in HTML5 Jan 14, 2019 Day 20 Day 38: A very Big Sum Feb 14, 2019 Day 200 Day...
It's set by the application if it's present in the shader - it is the size of a texel of the texture in question, in other words, if it's a 1k x 1k texture, both x and y will be 1.0/1024.0 _MainTex_TexelSize is set by magic sauce in the darkness of Unity's source code. ...
/openmp:llvmis now available on x86 and ARM64, in addition to x64 Include directories can now be designated as external with customized compilation warning levels and code analysis settings. Added the/await:strictoption to enable C++20-style coroutines in earlier language modes. ...
/openmp:llvm is now available on x86 and ARM64, in addition to x64 Include directories can now be designated as external with customized compilation warning levels and code analysis settings. Added the /await:strict option to enable C++20-style coroutines in earlier language modes. Debugger vi...
/openmp:llvmis now available on x86 and ARM64, in addition to x64 Include directories can now be designated as external with customized compilation warning levels and code analysis settings. Added the/await:strictoption to enable C++20-style coroutines in earlier language modes. ...
Les coroutines C++20 sont désormais prises en charge sous /std:c++latest (ou /std:c++20à partir de Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11) et de l’en-tête <coroutine>. IntelliSense prend désormais en charge les en-têtes C++ 20 <concepts> et <ranges>, ainsi que le renommage et la ...
Adicionada a opção/await:strictpara habilitar corrotinas no estilo C++20 em modos de idioma anteriores. A visualização do depurador destd::coroutine_handle<T>agora exibe o nome e a assinatura da função de corrotina original e o ponto de suspensão atual. ...
Las corrutinas de C++20 ahora se admiten en /std:c++latest (o /std:c++20 a partir de la versión 16.11 de Visual Studio 2019) y el encabezado <coroutine>. IntelliSense ahora proporciona compatibilidad con los encabezados <concepts> y <ranges> de C++20, y para cambiar el nombre y ...
Les coroutines C++20 sont désormais prises en charge sous/std:c++latest(ou/std:c++20à partir de Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11) et de l’en-tête<coroutine>. IntelliSense prend désormais en charge les en-têtes C++ 20<concepts>et<ranges>, ainsi que le renommage et la recherche des...