cognates are words in two languages that have a commonetymology, or background, and are similar or identical. For example, theEnglishword "kiosk" and the Spanishquioscoare cognates because they both come from the Turkish wordkosk. The Turkish word is also a cognate of the English and Spanish...
used with a noun in requesting further information about the identity or categorization of something:what job does he do? (as pronoun):what is her address? (used in indirect questions):does he know what man did this?,tell me what he said ...
The below list of translations of countable noun is provided by Word Sense. German: zählbares Substantiv (neut.) Spanish: sustantivo contable (masc.), nombre contable (masc.) Japanese: 可算名詞 (かさんめいし, kasan meishi) French: nom dénombrable (masc.), nom ...
What does heffa mean in Spanish? Answer: "Heffa" is meant to be "JEFA" which means boss. Therefore referring to ones mother as your boss. Who is a patroness? noun.a woman who protects, supports, or sponsors someone or something.
"The verbbad mouth. . . is a calque orloan translation: it seems to come from Vai*day ngatmay(a curse; literally, 'a bad mouth'). . . . "New World Spanish has composed a number of loan translations or calques on English models, such asluna de miel(honeymoon),perros calientes(hot...
A related but not verses, if mm is not a collective of collectives, seem to identical view is that of Zorell who holds that min is a noun meaning 'a division of a thing into various forms or types'.16 envisage more than one min of raven. (I do not intend by using the traditional...
used with a noun in requesting further information about the identity or categorization of something:what job does he do? (as pronoun):what is her address? (used in indirect questions):does he know what man did this?,tell me what he said ...