However, the codependent person is actually selfish here because they are putting their needs of acceptance ahead of the needs of the addictive person to heal. It is just like a wife that is married to an alcoholic and buys the alcoholic all the alcohol that they requested. By accommodating ...
our family, especially parents, may test us. You may have troublesetting new boundarieswith your parents. Perhaps, you have a mom who calls every day or a sibling who wants to borrow money or is abusing drugs. Confused
Narcissists and abusers are basically codependent. (See “Narcissists are Codependent, too.”) If you distance yourself from them, they do what it takes to pull you back in, because they don’t want to be abandoned. Narcissists want to keep you interested to feed their ego and supply the...
Codependentsymptoms ofdenial, dependency, lack of boundaries, and dysfunctional communication produce anger.Denialprevents us from accepting reality and recognizing our feelings and needs. Dependency on others spawns attempts to control them to feel better, rather than to initiateeffective action. But when...
Codependency often arises in families where there is addiction or other dysfunction. For example, a child may become codependent if they grow up in a family where one or both parents are alcoholics. The child may learn to prioritize the needs of the alcoholic parent over their own needs, and...
Like “self love” or “inner child,” the term “codependent” smacks of pop psychology psychobabble. To make matters worse, it’s become shorthand for a whole host of unhealthy behaviors. But what does it really mean? And does it describe your relation
Is my mother codependent? A codependent mother may rely on her son or daughter to take responsibility for her physical well-being. While codependent parents may claim that the close relationship they covet is a sign of a well-functioning family, their preoccupation with each other is a sign of...
Royce, Graydon
A daddy-dom isn’t someone who doesn’t know how to hold down a job longer than a week and lives in his parent’s house. No, a daddy-dom is an independent person who has, generally, a stable life. He’s grounded, and he knows who he is and what he wants. [Read:The 41 best...
Wondering what makes a people pleaser? A painful childhood is just one possible cause. Get a closer look at what causes people pleasing here.