We’re out of place as we amble slowly and aimlessly through the jumped-up energy of the terminal. Having to avoid hypertensive middle-aged businessmen panting as they powerwalk with rolled up sports magazines under their arms, families with unwieldy numbers of children in various states of colic...
Codependency has the potential to be draining, hurtful, and ultimately unhealthy for everyone involved. If you feel that you’re in a codependent relationship, getting support from a professional can be essential for your own mental health and the mental health of your loved ones. You can start...
family together, because the decision will affect your children, but it depends on you and your partner's willingness to build a healthier relationship. "If you don't have children together, you should leave when there is no cooperation or commitment from the other person to change," says ...
If you want to understand more about the relationship between codependency and narcissism, read Narcissism: Behind the Mask. 1 Friel, J. and Freil, L. (1988), Adult children: The secrets of dysfunctional families, Deerfiled Beach, FL: Health Communications. 2 Hogg, J.A. and Frank, L....
The seeds of codependence are planted in dysfunctional families when a child experiencesemotional abandonment. He or she learns to either rebel, withdraw from, or accommodate a parent who is controlling, selfish, depressed, addicted, or abusive. Such children don’t get the sense that their wants...
Parental love is expected to be unconditional and one-sided toward their young children. As they grow, good parenting includes mutual respect for each other’s boundaries. Caregiving is a normal outgrowth of love and is also part of healthy adult relationships. When someone we love is in need...
We’re out of place as we amble slowly and aimlessly through the jumped-up energy of the terminal. Having to avoid hypertensive middle-aged businessmen panting as they powerwalk with rolled up sports magazines under their arms, families with unwieldy numbers of children in various states of colic...