Atheists cannot be angry with God, and cannot even resent God, because they do not believe God actually exists. Atheists are often accused of being in some sort of neurotic rebellion, especially if the atheist concerned is young.doi:10.1002/9781118607725.ch1Russell Blackford...
The answer is: It’s complicated. Albert Einstein said so many varied things about God that every theist and non-theist group can claim him for their own. The Jews claim him. The Christians claim him. The atheists claim him. The agnostics claim him. The pantheists claim him. The deis...
After coming to God, knowing that we are only saved by His grace through faith, we must then let go of the world and allow His transforming power to renew us and make us new in His image–“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; beho...
5. It is permissible to move from one caste to another for example by virtue of marriage, a woman from lower caste can go to upper caste family. But like any merit based system, it is difficult to go up and easy to fall down. ...
The ecologist-turned-quantitative-historian Peter Turchin has suggested that “higher religion” is a “meta-ethnic” identity. That is, an identity that transcends tribe, ethnicity, and race. Contrary to what racial nationalists like to think, historically race has not been a major cleavage. ...
Hence, any discussion about atheism must begin with a mention of which meaning is being used for the word “atheism” as well as for the word “God.” What is the difference between atheist and agnostic?. Pixabay (Modified by Catherine Giordano) ...
China is a single party state governed by the Communist Party of China whose power is enshrined in Chinese constitution.Though China is officially an atheist country, its religious roots lie within Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.And from these most social and moral values are derived.There are...
“well, I am definitely on the leftist side, radical about most things, especially feminism, vegetarian, atheist, dog-lover, philosopher, lesbian…” as if I am writing my personal ad. In reality, I often stare into space and then offer up, “well, I am a woman, if that is what ...
A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two different things by stating that one is the other, highlighting similarities for emphasis or symbolism. The compared elements are not literally the same but are linked to create a deeper understanding or evoke imagery. Metaphors help convey abstra...
If First Amendment freedoms are eroding in the U.S., is it an understatement to ask, should we be calling for all hands-on deck to protect these precious freedoms? Hi, I’m Rex Rogers and this is episode #193 of Discerning What Is Best, a podcast applying unchanging biblical principles...