There isno such thingas an atheist in a foxhole. 散兵坑里不存在无神论者. 互联网 There isno such thingas a free lunch. 世上哪有不付钱的好事. 互联网 There isno such thingas the technique of writing. 世间无所谓笔法. 互联网 There isno such thingas being seen to work too hard. ...
Will God be on their side?; It is said there is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole. So how do you prepare young squaddies spiritually for possible conflict in Iraq? David Devenney, a marine commando who became a minister after the horror of the Falklands war, talks to Allan ...
“Being an atheist is like being the only sober person in the car – and no one will let you drive.”– Anonymous The world is beautiful. TheArgument from Beautyfails to explain why some things are beautiful to some people and not to others, and also fails to establish beauty as somethi...
He was a frail old thing by now: at least twenty-one years old, probably more depending on how much time he’d spent as an adult before someone noticed him and started keeping an eye out. In human terms that’s 102. Older. There was a time when he’d roam the back forty like a...
If it were programmed to regard we Humans as God, I suspect there’d be a seriously Old-Testament vibe to its beliefs.Guest David Roman 2 years ago “maybe two such patients would be more accurate—whose right hemisphere believed in God and whose left was an atheist.” Aren’t we ...
I may be an atheist, but some habits remain-even visiting a church, like the Sainte-Anne-de-Beaumont Chapel as my boyfriend and I did a few weeks back, I found myself almost genuflecting and crossing myself at the altar, completely unaware. It took an actual act of will, a thought ...
I once would have agreed with that sentiment, but honestly these last few years, i’m it being weird. Weird isn’t as much fun as it used to be. IN the last year i’ve seen such fun things as: being threatened with job termination because of a disability accommodation request (and ...
There is no such thing as a homogenous universal language. Yet universality can be approached by ‘marrying the speeches of strangers’, which completes the broken whole on the horizontal level, without usurping the God-like point of view hovering over the clamour of differences. As Walter ...
The majority of our community identifies as atheist or agnostic, but we’re happy to host a diverse community of both non-religious and religious users. Read more about our secular origins.NoFap is not an "anti-porn" website. Alcoholics Anonymous isn’t “anti-alcohol” – it’s about ...
“such things as hair, mud, dirt, or anything else which is vile and paltry; would you suppose that each of these has an idea distinct from the actual objects with which we come into contact, or not?” Socrates responds “no” and states that this suggestion, were it to be accepted,...