Atheist:无神论者 Agnostic:不可知论者 No religion:无宗教信仰 我个人的看法是:无神论彻底否定神的存在;不可知论者是指对神的存在表示怀疑,但又拒绝无神论,从而主张把神是否存在这一类问题搁置起来的人;无宗教信仰则既有可能是无神论,也有可能是有神论,只是不归属于任何宗教。
Brooke has a professional interest in denying that Einstein was an atheist or materialist. 布鲁克有专业级的证据,以证明爱因斯坦不是无神论者或者唯物主义者. 来自期刊摘选 26. He never goes to church; he an atheist. 他从不上教堂, 他是个无神论者. 来自期刊摘选 27. He openly declared himself an ...
Wilson:I don't know. I never paid much attention before, but now I think I'm getting interested. This religion has existed side by side with Christianity for more than a millennium, and we have no more than a superficial understanding of it. 威尔逊:我不知道。我以前从来没有留意过,但是现...
Somebody asks you do you believe? Have the integrity to say yes or no. And if asked for an explanation don’t go all cock and bull jive turkey circumlocution and obfuscation. Seems to me that all JP was saying is that for him, stating a belief in God is hypocritical unless he can ac...
I love to hear from my fellow atheists out there as well as all those atheist-friendly believers who think that those of us with no religion deserve the same rights all over the world as those of you with faith. If you want to get in touch, ...
98. “Atheism is simply the lack of belief in a deity. It is not a negative or hostile stance towards religion, but simply a recognition that there is no compelling evidence for the existence of a higher power.”― Rebecca Goldstein ...
It argues that the guidelines prohibit anyone in uniform from giving the reasonable perception that the Armed Forces support any religion over other religions or the idea of religion over the choice of no religious affiliation. It stresses that discouraging religion in the service shows incompetence ...
She was forbidden on pain of never seeing us again to mention God or religion to us. After her death I inherited a copy of her Bible printed back in 1876 with inked messages throughout such as "someday I pray that my granddaughters will read this passage." From heaven I hope she ...
It is suggested that all people have worldviews (whether they are aware of them or not), including the atheists, and that cases can be made for most worldviews, but that no worldview can be proven to anyone who does not already affirm it. Therefore atheists are in the same situation ...
Modern religion —Jesus came to save us from God through sin management. Be good, people…cultural shame and punishment will get you to heaven by apologizing for not having the mind or tools to do it. Believe it or don’t believe it, it makes no difference when you don’t have the me...