Takedown requestView complete answer on dnd.gf9games.com ←Previous question Why do my Sims keep getting unfulfilled? Next question→ What is the Xbox frame rate at 4K? Admin Site co-founder, Slack admin, web admin and fan of tinkering with BASIC and assembly language for old machines. ...
First is Religion. And i mean this in the real world part. Crusades, the holy fight, this are instantly themes that resonate with a paladin. That is why it was so easily to be established as a character archetype in many games. The Arcane Fighter on the...
So @Invocation how is this going so far? I've had to put it on hold for a short while to focus on being able to graduate, but I've determined it to be a system based primarily around a d10 instead of a d20 like Pathfinder and DnD, as well as having no hard level cap but...
which stems from my conviction of making rational sense of everything in the world. No person has ever been able to rationally explain what gender is, because it is an emotion, a feeling. I can't feel other peoples emotions, and I don't share them, that's why I make sense of the ...
Wednesday night was the weekly Tavern Chat. Its moved to The Tavern's Discord server with OVERWHELMING success. I can't say for certain how any were logged into the chat channel, but the voice channel his 22 people logged in at one time. Damn!