The Fighter LevelProficiency BonusFeatures 1st +2 Fighting Style, Second Wind 2nd +2 Action Surge (x1) 3rd +2 Martial Archetype 4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional) 5th +3 Extra Attack (x1) 6th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional) 7th +3 ...
Orders act as theBlood Hunter subclasses, the equivalent ofFighter Martial Archetypes, orSchools of MagicforWizard 5echaracters. An individual must find and convince a Blood Hunter order to perform the Hunter’s Bane ritual, and even after that, they must earn their approval to fully join the ...
Combined with the elemental benefits offered by some Sorcerer archetypes, this can allow you to make the ultimate hellfire-wielding underworld badass. Mountain Dwarf An unconventional choice that lacks any sort of Cha boost, the mountainDwarf 5ewill slightly lag behind other Sorcerers in terms of ...
Magic in the Blood: Archetypes of the Fey. As our summer of fey draws to a close, and as we approach our 100th 5E supplement, writer Anthony Jennings presents three new fey-themed archetypes - the druid's Circle of the Untamed Wilderness, the fighter's Unseelie Knight, and the sorcerer...
the speed of a martial artist with the skill of a dedicated murder machine. Eat your protein powder and don’t skip leg day as we go through everything you need to know about the 5e Dungeons & Dragons fighter monk multiclass. Let us know in the comments what you'd like to see ne...
Runes Known Fighter LevelNumber of Runes 3rd 2 7th 3 10th 4 15th 5 Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch a number of objects equal to the number of runes you know, and you inscribe a different rune onto each of the objects. To be eligible, an object must be a weapon, a...
your enemies will definitely be surprised when their heads get chopped off. Grab your burglar’s tools and your battle ax as we go through everything you need to know Read the full blog post here: Like our con...
Fighter A human in clanging plate armor holds her shield before her as she runs toward the massed goblins. An elf behind her, clad in studded leather armor, peppers the goblins with arrows loosed from his exquisite bow. The half-orc nearby shouts orders, helping the two combatants coordinat...
The Bounded Accuracy concept of 5e Dungeons & Dragons did not hold up, but borrowing from prior editions offers tools for balanced, exciting battles. With the loss of thebestD&Dbow builds for archercharacters, and the Monk and Paladin being rendered “trap choices,” there are still a few ot...
Players have access to the skills Speech of Beast and Leaf. This skill allows players to speak in a limited manner to beasts and plants. As Firbolgs, players also get advantage on Charisma checks to influence them. Firbolgs have the skill Hidden Step as a bonus action where they can mag...