cyclostomata there is differentiation of the sex between the male and the female. The female body is slightly bigger than the male body. As a result of this there is exchange of gamates for fertilization to take place. Are eels cyclostomes? CLASS AGNATHA. They areeel-like in appearance, b...
What is the cladogram system based on? What are the taxa used in biological classification? What animals are in the class Agnatha? Is microbiology equivalent to zoology? What is a classification chart in biology? Who classified the animal kingdom?
Is a starfish a fish or a mammal? What do birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish have in common? What is the smallest fish in the Great Barrier Reef? What animals are in the class Agnatha? What type of feeders dominate the deep sea benthos?
Palatoquadrate—upper element of the mandibular arch in jawed vertebrates; in more derived vertebrates it evolves into the quadrate and then the incus, and is replaced by themaxillaand premaxilla. Paleostyly—type of jaw suspension of agnathans, which have no jaws. What is Meckel's cartilage?
Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: Parts of a Butterfly: Lesson for Kids from Chapter 9/ Lesson 9 7K Butterflies are beautiful creatures that we can see fluttering around on warm, sunny days. In this lesson, you will learn what a butterfly is as well as the parts it...
structure comparable to a "cranium") at their most anterior end (Agnatha, comprising the living Cyclostomata, slime eels (Myxinidae and Petromyzontidae; and among fossils the Silurian ostracoderms (Pteraspidomorphi and Cephalapidomorphi) with their anterior end covered by a heavy bony armour...
A cell is plasmolysed after being kept in a hypertonic solution. What will be present between cell wall and plasma lemma? Ahypertonic solution Bair Chypotonic solution Disotonic solutionSubmit Plant cell kept in hypertonic solution will get - ALysed BTurgid CDeplasmolysed DPlasmolysedSubmit Pla...
Although a majority of biologists are convinced that a mass extinction is underway on earth today, the human history with direct observatory data is too short to predict its future trends. At least five mass extinctions occurred during the Phanerozoic Eon, causing the rapid extinction of at least...
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