The Latin term Agnatha comes form the English prefix a- which means without and the Greek term gnathos which means jaw. Thus, it refers to the animals that does not have a jaw.Answer and Explanation: The animals that are included in the superclass Agnatha are mostly extinct (Ostracoderms)...
What are the characteristics of members of the class Aves? Which level was first in the modern organization of taxa? How many species are in the class Agnatha? What is the class and order of amphibians? What are the classes in the phylum Echinodermata? Who governs taxonomy classification...
cyclostomata there is differentiation of the sex between the male and the female. The female body is slightly bigger than the male body. As a result of this there is exchange of gamates for fertilization to take place. Are eels cyclostomes? CLASS AGNATHA. They areeel-like in appearance, b...
Fishes are typically divided into three groups: superclass Agnatha (jawless fishes),class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes), and superclass Osteichthyes (bony fishes). What is the use of fishery? The most common use for fisheries resources isfood. Over 75% of the global fish production is u...
Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: Parts of a Butterfly: Lesson for Kids from Chapter 9/ Lesson 9 7K Butterflies are beautiful creatures that we can see fluttering around on warm, sunny days. In this lesson, you will learn what a butterfly is as well as the parts it...
Step by step video, text & image solution for A Cell is plasmolysed after being kept in hypertonic solution. What will be present between cell wall and plasmalemma ? by Biology experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.Updated on:21/07/2023Class...
Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajasthan Board, MP Board, Telangana Board etc NCERT solutions for...
(Agnatha) vertebrate lineages (approximately 485 MYA) [2,3]. This is based on the presence of five classes of cone-like photoreceptors in the jawless Southern Hemisphere lamprey,Geotria australis[4–6], and three cone classes in the jawed cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes) [7–9]. ...
Woven throughout the displays of modern animals are numerous fossils, like these lovely placoderms (lineage interposed between agnathans, sharks and other jawed fish). Goblin shark head. I seem to always forget what ray-finned fish this is (I want to say wolffish? Quick Googling suggests ...
bony fish andcartilaginous fish. In simple terms, a bony fish(Osteichthyes) is one whose skeleton is made of bone, while a cartilaginous fish(Chondrichthyes) has a skeleton made of soft, flexible cartilage. A third type of fish, including eels and hagfish, is the group known asAgnatha, or...