Q&Associated Press
It was appalling when the cretins of the internet started using artificial intelligence to create porn of people who don’t want porn made of them, but the newest trend from the darkest-and-dorkiest corner of the internet, 4chan, is using AI to “fix” images of provocatively dressed ...
What is the hacker collective Anonymous? Supposedly fun mass attacks on people who were easy targets used to be organized on image boards like 4chan. These are the beginnings of Anonymous, but they don’t have much in common with the collective’s actions today. Political commitment is the ...
"So it's a bit like a telescope, they're useless unless you know where to point them." "Part of the problem is that there are a lot of people who post in general social media like Facebook or in more specialized online forums like 4Chan, who will post violent memes that contain ha...
4chan being 4chan, a male version of the character soon appeared. The gloomer meme is not as popular as the doomer and bloomer memes, and you are actually more likely to encounter the word gloomer than a gloomer character. An alternative gloomer character, who is depicted wearing all black...
The Low Orbit Ion Cannon is responsible for many attacks, including attacks from members of hacktivist group Anonymous, also among users of the 4Chan forums.; this. There is a rise in the tool probably because it is easy to use, and easy to access. You can download the tool from the ...
What is ‘Post-digital’? 作者:Florian Cramer 自翻存档,仅学习交流使用。 打字机 vs.图像板memes 2013 年 1 月,一张年轻男子坐在公园长椅上用打字机打字的照片在热门网站 Reddit 上“疯传”。该图像以“宏图像(image macro)”或“图像板(imageboard )meme”(Klok 16-19)( 注:Wiki:Imageboard“图像板”...
Leaking information.This is a popular activist tactic. Typically, an insider source will access sensitive or classified information -- which implicates an individual, organization or government agency in an activity that reflects negatively on them -- and make it public. WikiLeaks is known for publi...
"So it's a bit like a telescope, they're useless unless you know where to point them." "Part of the problem is that there are a lot of people who post in general social media like Facebook or in more specialized online forums like 4Chan, who will post violent memes that contain ha...
But similar posts pushing baseless claims of arrests and “deep state” action kept appearing on 4chan. It’s unclear who was behind the posts, or if the ones that followed were posted by the same person – 4chan posts are anonymous. Believers claim that their “Q” is so knowledgeable...