is internet slang for “dog,” and a doge meme generally consists of an image of a shiba inu covered in captions—most likely in comic sans font—that show the animal’s internal dialogue. as with lolcats, the grammar and spelling is atrocious (see: “doge,” phrases like “much cake,...
It was appalling when the cretins of the internet started using artificial intelligence to create porn of people who don’t want porn made of them, but the newest trend from the darkest-and-dorkiest corner of the internet, 4chan, is using AI to “fix” images of provocatively dressed ...
Q&Associated Press
What is ‘Post-digital’? 作者:Florian Cramer 自翻存档,仅学习交流使用。 打字机 vs.图像板memes 2013 年 1 月,一张年轻男子坐在公园长椅上用打字机打字的照片在热门网站 Reddit 上“疯传”。该图像以“宏图像(image macro)”或“图像板(imageboard )meme”(Klok 16-19)( 注:Wiki:Imageboard“图像板”...
DM is "Don't Mind" or "Doesn't Matter" or "Direct Message"DM Definition / DM MeansThe definition of DM is "Don't Mind" or "Doesn't Matter" or "Direct Message"The Meaning of DMDM means "Don't Mind" or "Doesn't Matter" or "Direct Message"...
With the rise of AI models and automated bots, we find out whether there is any weight to the idea that the internet is now mostly dominated by machines or if it’s still a human hangout.
Americans. Reddit might be 4th or 5th. 4chan is definitely not even on the list. It's a ...
4chan/8chan.These are anonymous imageboards with a focus on discussion boards and forums. They're known for their unique culture and sometimes controversial content. Stack Exchange.This is a network of question-and-answer sites focused on specific topics. These sites typically attract users seeking...
Thread is a game based on the online post. Inspired by 4Chan, and Reddit threads that involve murders, paranormal experiences, etc. The game has been... Poltergeist: A Pixelated Horror Oct 28 2014 Released 2014 Puzzle Have you ever wondered what it feels to be a ghostly being? You are...