Cholesterol: Bad vs. Good LDLstands forlow-density lipoprotein. Like all fats, cholesterol can't dissolve in blood, which is mostly water, so it attaches itself to a protein. 'Lipo' means fat, thus 'lipoprotein'. The protein acts like a bus, traveling around the body via the bloodstream...
It's important to know what causes high LDL cholesterol. Knowing what increases LDL levels and eliminating these cholesterol-raising factors can prevent LDL numbers from climbing and thereby help maintain good healthy. Here are the culprits that can raise LDLS
Learn what LDL-C (bad cholesterol) is, the risks of having a high LDL number, and factors to consider in reducing your LDL.
The body uses cholesterol to make hormones and vitamin D and to support digestion. The liver supplies the cholesterol the body needs to carry out its functions. There are two types of cholesterol, namely, HDL (high density lipoprotein) and LDL (low density lipoprotein)....
The problem withLDL cholesterolis that it can build up in yourarteries. These are the tubes that carrybloodfrom yourheartto the rest of your body. Cholesterol buildup can lead to fatty clumps called plaques. They can narrow your arteries and make it harder for blood to pass through. Plaques...
in the Step II diet above. However, it also permits total fat to come from 25-30 percent of total calorie intake, with 10 percent or less being polyunsaturated fat. In addition, the majority of fat intake should be monounsaturated, since this kind of fat naturally reduces LDL cholesterol. ...
fats. Most vegetables only contain trace amounts of plant sterols (the stuff that raises good cholesterol). If you were to add a serving of dried beans, some slivered almonds, and flaked albacore tuna on the other hand, your salad would become a great way to raise good cholesterol. ...
When we say, "high cholesterol," usually we are referring to high total or high LDL cholesterol. High HDL cholesterol is a good thing! Causes and Effects of High Cholesterol Is high cholesterol genetic? Some people may be at higher risk for high cholesterol due to non-modifiable factors, or...
Cholesterol has many functions within the body, which are described below: Act as a precursor for steroids, including the steroid hormones Are... Learn more about this topic: What is Cholesterol? - Definition & Overview from Chapter 5/ Lesson 3 ...
aApoE is often referred to as an antiatherosclerotic protein. This notion has its basis in observations in both mice and humans. Mice normally do not develop high LDL cholesterol levels or atherosclerosis, presumably because of higher VLDL turnover and the lack of cholesteryl ester transfer protein...