Cholesterol: Bad vs. Good LDLstands forlow-density lipoprotein. Like all fats, cholesterol can't dissolve in blood, which is mostly water, so it attaches itself to a protein. 'Lipo' means fat, thus 'lipoprotein'. The protein acts like a bus, traveling around the body via the bloodstream...
A heart attack affects the heart and causes damage to it and a stroke affects the brain.We can test how much cholesterol we have in our blood. The test identifies two kinds of cholesterol and how much of each kind we have. The first is LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and it ...
Why is LDL-cholesterol bad cholesterol?AnonymousInternational News on Fats, Oils and Related Materials : INFORM
Dyslipidaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes commonly consists of elevated triglyceride levels; normal or slightly elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL)–cholesterol levels with a preponderance of small, dense LDL particles; and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL)–cholesterol levels with a preponderanc...
gms | 29. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Hochdruckliga | LDL-cholesterol is a Major Determinant of Vascular Oxidative Stress and Endothelial Dys... A large body of evidence indicates that endothelial dysfunction is a characteristic of patients with essential hypertension. By definition, endoth...
Is intensive LDL-cholesterol lowering beneficial and safe? Lancet 376: 1622-1624. http://, BMY. & Lam KSL.(2010). Is intensive LDL-cholesterol lowering baneficial and safe?. The Lancet, Vol 376, Issue 9753, 1622-1624....
LDLR is a cellular membrane glycoprotein that functions in the binding and internalization of circulating cholesterol-containing lipoprotein particles, whereas LDLRAP1 is a cytosolic adapter protein that interacts with the cytoplasmic tail of LDLR and facilitates its endocytosis.26 Therefore, we then focus...
Learn what LDL-C (bad cholesterol) is, the risks of having a high LDL number, and factors to consider in reducing your LDL.
cholesterol<70 mg/dl, while only 25% of patients at high cardiovascular risk had a LDL-cholesterol<100 mg/dl; at 6 months, 13% of patients at very high cardiovascular risk had an LDL-cholesterol<70 mg/dl, while 30% of patients at high cardiovascular risk had a LDL-cholesterol<100 mg/...
Although triglyceride concentration is the best predictor of LDL size in type 2 diabetes, LDLcholesterol/apolipoproteinB ratio is the best tool to detect phenotype B. 展开 关键词: Key words LDL size LDL phenotype B LDL cholesterol/apolipoprotein B ratio Type 2 diabetes ...