The second factor is the actual macronutrient makeup of the food — the blend of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that it contains. In the case of junk food, food manufacturers are looking for a perfect combination of salt, sugar, and fat that excites your brain and gets you coming back ...
Ultimately, science tells us thatcarbohydrates are not more fattening than fats; in fact, it would make more sense to eat a few too many carbohydrates than a few too many fats. Indeed, this is what we see when we follow people who over-consume carbohydrates versus fats - they tend to ga...
Eat more carbs on days when you have tough workouts and less on rest days or active recovery days. Here is more information about how and why you need to consume carbohydrates when building muscle mass. Foods Rich in Complex Carbohydrates Simple carbs are fine to eat in moderation, but ...
While making beans a part of your daily diet can help you prevent type 2 diabetes, that's not all beans can do when it comes to the disease. That's because choosing to eat beans every day can also help you manage type 2 diabetes if you already have it, according to registered dieti...
Think about what happens when you down a bag of gummy bears: “They give you fast energy because they are simple carbs,” says Shapiro. And simple carbs are bad carbs, because they pull you into a vicious carb-sugar-cycle and when this happens, your body has higher insulin levels, which...
The women on no-carb diets did worse than overweight women on low-calorie diets that contained a healthy amount of carbohydrates. Weight loss Though carbs are often blamed for weight gain, the right kind of carbs can actually help you lose and maintain a healthy weight. This happens because ...
“Pick a sports drink that has a large amount of carbohydrates in it, because you lose those when you exercise,” Zwibel said. “Some people believe alcohol can serve as this fluid replacement because it has carbs in it, but it’s not enough and it’s also lacking in protein.” If...
There continues to be considerable discussion on the role of carbohydrates in the pathogenesis of feline diseases. This presentation reviews the nutritional requirements of cats and explores the role of carbohydrates in feline nutrition particularly related to obesity and diabetes mellitus, thus providing ...
One type of high-fiber diet is the F-Factor diet, a high-fiber, high-protein diet that encourages high-fiber carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables and whole grains. It also recommends consumption of lean proteins and healthy fats and discourages consumption of processed foods, refined ...
So what happens, metabolically speaking, after we eat? Consuming carbohydrates and fats leads to a rise inblood glucoseand alsolipid levels, which include cholesterol and triglycerides. This triggers the release of insulin from the pancreas. The insulin helps tissues throughout the body take up the...