Insulin resistance occurs when your cells have difficulty responding to the insulin your pancreas produces, affecting your blood glucose levels. People with endomorphic bodies may find it challenging to follow diet and exercise plans. They may have a general desire for food, comfort, and ...
What happens to capillary blood pressure in the glomerulus, the glomerular filtration rate, and renal blood flow when afferent renal arterioles dilate? Hyperventilation produces which of these effects? a) Decreased blood PCO2 b) Decreased blood pressure c) Vasodilation of periphe...
What happens when a person absorbs more glucose from their diet than they need? a. The excess is flushed from the system as waste. b. The excess is stored as simple sugars in the muscle and liver. c. The excess is stored as complex sugars ...
Now we will know What happens at each stage of PCR Initialization step (only required for DNA polymerases that require heat activation by hot-start PCR): This step consists of heating the reaction to a temperature of 94–96 °C (or 98 °C if extremely thermostable polymerases are used), ...
Chances are you’ve heard a lot about hormones when it comes to certain areas of your health. But not a lot of people really understand the profound influence they have on every aspect of your health and what happens when they are out of sync. As a functional medicine practitioner, it ...
But what about when you overeat at meals? Beyond feeling a little bit stuffed, there are some things happening in your body. We interviewed two dietitians to get the deets on what happens to digestion and your body when you eat too much. They also shared tips for what to do when you ...
Cancer happens when cells in a part of the body grow abnormally or in an out-of-control manner. We don’t know exactly why obesity—or even just carrying extra weight—seems to drive cancer rates, but one theory is that fat cells may release hormones that impact this abnormal cell growth...
That was discovered by the University of Maryland (22). In the 30 years since, there’s been almost no research involving wheat germ agglutinin and adsorptive endocytosis. So whether this happens in humans appears to be unknown, and obviously, it’s not easy to measure without opening a huma...
Gestational diabetesoccurs when high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance appear during pregnancy. If this happens, the mother should be closely monitored as high blood sugar levels during pregnancy can lead to various complications for the baby and the mother as well. ...
Which of the insulin resistance pathways would you like to work on and why? How do insulin and glucagon work antagonistically to regulate metabolism? What happens after a meal? Before a meal? Define hypokalemia and explain how it relates to electrolyte imbalances and/or acid-base imbalances. ...