More than 38 million people in the U.S. havediabetes. Another 97 million haveprediabetesand are at risk for developing the condition. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when blood sugar (blood glucose) levels rise above the normal range. However, there are different types of diabetes. What i...
When this happens, too much blood sugar stays in the bloodstream, which can lead to heart disease and other serious illnesses. CGMs were created to help monitor blood glucose levels throughout the day for those living with diabetes, Alex Larson, RDN, a Minnesota-based registered dietitian ...
your glucose rapidly lowers, often leading to a sharp dip or crash. When this happens, your body typically craves more simple carbohydrates and sugar for a quick energy boost, and if you answer the craving, the spike-crash cycle continues.7 ...
ubstancesaswellasoxygeninyourbody.However,i nspiteofyourbestefforts,youwilleventually missaworkout.Andfromthatpointitgetseasier andeasiertonotexercise.Soonyou’ renotworkingoutatall.Ifconsistentexercise issobeneficialforyourhealth,whathappenswhen youskipafewsessions,takeaprotractedworkoutc essation,orwhenyou...
What do I need to know about blood glucose monitoring?Your diabetes care team provider may order blood glucose monitoring to check your levels several times each day. The checks will be done if you need to stay in the hospital, and you will need to check at home....
Brain cells use glucose almost exclusively for their energy needs, and unlike other organs in the body, the brain cannot store glucose for future use. If blood sugarlevels fall, brain function can be immediately compromised. The brain gets its blood supply through four major arteries, the right...
What Happens When You Eat Sugar? When you eat sugar, your body breaks it down via saliva, even before it leaves your mouth. It then travels through your digestive tract, where it's absorbed into your bloodstream as glucose. This raises your blood sugar level, causing your pancreas to relea...
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body’s immune system launches an attack against the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.2 Doctors still aren’t 100% sure why this happens, due of the mystery of the immune system, but believe that it’s from a combination of both genetic and env...
During any big holiday—Halloween, Christmas, even Valentine's Day—there's always candy to indulge in. This is what happens if you eat too much of it.
Ampelopsin, also known as dihydromyricetin and DHM, when purported as an effective ingredient in supplements and other tonics, is a flavanonol, a type of flavonoid. It is found in the Ampelopsis species japonica, megalophylla, and grossedentata; Cercidiphyllum japonicum; Hovenia dulcis; Rhododendro...