Visit the site after August 2nd in order to know what happened at the debate. Your Du'aa is appreciated and needed. Assalamu Alaykum. July 11, 2008: We would like to encourage everyone to see brother Sami Zaatari's debate with David Wood over here
Despite being a huge hardware nerd since childhood, I had to wait until 2014 before I could finally purchase a discrete GPU. After a lot of internal debates, I ended up choosing the GTX 760. Of course, I'd used my fair share of PCs before I got my hands on the GTX 760, but most...
and then the exact gps co-ord... and i was like... ok, so thats what happened... cool... then i went to the regular internet... and it was still on my mind... so i typed into goog... the date, and the location... and then i see this
It is frustrating that there are people who care about the pilots but not about civilians accidentally killed by drone strikes, but those people exist, and they exist in Washington, so it helps to provide the full truth of what our weapons do, not just to our foes, but to ourselves. To...
s also the real threat that the group may take its campaign out of the Middle East to strike in the West. That may have happened this month in France. One of the three terrorists there, Amedy Coulibaly,proclaimed his allegiance to ISIS in a video, and investigators discovered ISIS flags ...
I have had surgery on my tail bone for a polynidal cyst and on my leg above the knee for osteochondroma (cartilage lump formed after growth plates were chipped). Both in 1997, though unrelated to each other. I used to not have much feeling in the back of my legs because the scar was...