Visit the site after August 2nd in order to know what happened at the debate. Your Du'aa is appreciated and needed. Assalamu Alaykum. July 11, 2008: We would like to encourage everyone to see brother Sami Zaatari's debate with David Wood over here
After over a year of using a static image on my QD-OLED Alienware gaming monitor, the worst possible thing happened. Yep, burn-in, with the swirly flame-like design from the iconic Windows 11 wallpaper showing up in other apps. I caught it early, so it only shows up on some colors,...
Hastings goes on to spend a long time examining the case of Anwar al-Awlaki, the al-Qaeda affliated radical Islamic cleric & American citizen who may have provided material aid to Nidal Hasan & who was killed by a drone strike. There are a lot of long-standing and important legal questio...
and then the exact gps co-ord... and i was like... ok, so thats what happened... cool... then i went to the regular internet... and it was still on my mind... so i typed into goog... the date, and the location... and then i see this
(What would have happened to Salman Rushdie had such a ban been in force when "The Satanic Verses" was published) Meanwhile, the French government has tried to create an "official" state-sanctioned French Islam. This approach may be worth the effort, but the chances of success are uncertain...
In spite of this reality, we are apparently content spending billions of taxpayer dollars and untold hours of labor in a delusional attempt to thwart an attack that has already happened and cannot happen again — guards pawing through our luggage in a hunt for what are effectively harmless items...
Already, ISIS has beheaded a number of U.S. and British hostages – all of them civilians – and threatened more. There’s also the real threat that the group may take its campaign out of the Middle East to strike in the West. That may have happened this month in France. One of the...
I have had surgery on my tail bone for a polynidal cyst and on my leg above the knee for osteochondroma (cartilage lump formed after growth plates were chipped). Both in 1997, though unrelated to each other. I used to not have much feeling in the back of my legs because the scar was...