Ahsoka's previous experience in the World Between Worlds was due to Ezra saving her from Darth Vader, suggesting she is likely not dead now. Stay tuned for more explanations in Ahsoka episode 5. Ahsokaepisode 4 "Part Four: Fallen Jedi" ends with Ahsoka Tano trapped in a mysterious world, ...
Instead, all signs point to it being an untouched and hidden planet where the values and society of the Old Republic (far before the time of the prequels) just kept going. Many galaxy-altering events have happened since that era, so chances are the entire planet w...
Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker’s former Padawan, has teamed up with Mandalorian Sabine Wren to find Ezra Bridger, who disappeared alongside Grand Admiral Thrawn shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Their current whereabouts are unknown. Jar Jar Binks has been banished by his people for his role ...
But it’s important that they complement the main plotline rather than detract from it, and some of thelesser episodes ofThe Mandalorianseason 3happened to be its one-offs. Seasons 1 and 2 were notably much stronger in this department — with episodes likeThe GunslingerandThe Marshalbeing great...
Winderbaum, then an assistant to Marvel exec Louis D’Esposito, often heard the team posing a fundamental question of storytelling: “What if … this happened?” Now Winderbaum, recently promoted to head of streaming, television and animation at Marvel Studios, is about to ask that question ...
Regardless of what happened during their conversation, Camille will more likely find out about Emily's biggest secret during the potential season 2, solidifying Emily in Paris' main love triangle. What's going to be critical here is how she learns about it — which will depend on how the sh...
Quinlan Vos and Ventress to assassinate the Count. Obi-Wan in particular is very uncomfortable with this notion, and the book really highlights just how far the Jedi have strayed from their ideals during the war. If you’re curious about whatever happened to Ventress after her l...
, with ahsoka and sabine flying off on a mission to find ezra, star wars fans easily put two and two together. now that the war is won and the rebellion is victorious, ahsoka is finishing old business by trying to find out what happened to her old ally by way of the villain he ...
Related:What Happened To Gunther After Friends Ended Between one of her breakups with Chandler, Janice married Gary Litman, the "Mattress King", and the pair had a daughter. They later divorced and she got back together with Chandler for a short period before briefly datingRoss. Janice, then...
Whatever happened to Etta after being kidnapped had to be pretty intense, judging by what all we've seen (er,saw) from her. But because we weren't around to see any of the events unfold naturally, everyone is basically trying to piece together some type of emotional attachment from filtere...