阿索卡·塔诺 Ahsoka Tano 是电影《星球大战》系列的延伸作品中的虚构人物,以动画的样貌在《星球大战:克隆人战争》系列和《星球大战:义军崛起》中出现过,是一名女性的托古塔人,曾是绝地武士阿纳金·天行者的学徒。她天资卓越,善良无私,爱憎分明,足智多谋,在克隆人战争中为共和国立下汗马功劳。但后来在绝地圣殿爆炸...
Ahsoka Tano, a Togruta female, was the Padawan learner to Anakin Skywalker and a hero of the Clone Wars. Alongside Anakin, she grew from headstrong student into a mature leader. But her destiny laid along a different path than the Jedi.
As a Jedi, we were trained to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers. But, all I have been since I was a Padawan is a soldier.Ahsoka to Rex Ahsoka Tano is a one of the protagonists of the Star Wars animated feature film Star Wars: The Clone Wars, followed
Theyre Jedi.什么事?波特阿萨迪总督找你What do you want,Porter是吗?为什么?Governor Azadiis looking for you.你没出席典礼Oh,yeah Whyis that原来是今天?Well,youre missingthe ceremony.你会想参加吧,是你的大日子,英雄Oh,that wastoday是哦,你料错了I thoughtyoud wannabe there.Its abig dayfor you,...
Set after the events ofStar Wars: Rebels, the series follows Ahsoka Tano as she navigates a galaxy still mired in chaos following the fall of the Galactic Empire. Living in the shadows and armed with her signature white lightsabers, Ahsoka continues her relentless pursuit of justice and peace...
谭诺小姐,有新的发现 Lady Tano, I have an update. 晚点再说,胡安 Not right now, Huyang. 去吧 Go ahead. 我需要那份扫描 Im gonna need that scan. 这能带走吗? Can I take this? 你要去哪里? Where are you going? 换地方让思绪更清楚 Somewhere I can think more clearly. 这主意不太好 Im...
After almost five seasons, a battle-hardened Ahsoka Tano was wrongfully accused by the Jedi Council of crimes against theGalactic Republicin the bombing of the Jedi Temple. After her vindication, she was allowed the chance to return, but she declined. For her own good,Ahsoka chose to leave ...
✕Remove Ads One of the main villains inAhsokashares a comparable origin to Din Djarin inThe Mandalorian, yet she serves the Galactic Empire. The mysterious Morgan Elsbeth debuted inThe Mandalorianseason 2, surprisingly proving herself capable of holding her own against the legendary Ahsoka Tano (...
I currently have a 7 star Ahsoka Tano (snips), but one of my "Protocol Quests" is to promote Ahsoka to 2 stars, which may have been added after i did so. I... - 10673269
After an encounter with Dooku, a skirmish on the crystalline world of Vanqor saw Tano and her Republic troopers rescue Anakin and Obi-Wan before going to the rescue of Aayla Secura after her defeat at the Battle of Quell. A crash-landing on Maridun meant they would encounter the furry Lur...