系列 Sermons in Acts书签 推动 下载 分享 扬声器 Paul Gordon 跟随 广播员 Grace Reformed Baptist of Pine Bush 跟随 讲道活动 26 ( 25 | 1 ) 讲道编号 62524430286371 期间 42:40 日期 Jun 23, 2024 类别 Sunday Service 圣经文本 使徒行傳 1; 數以色耳勒子輩之書 11 文件 原始记录 (汽车) 纯...
Just how insignificant it has become in the life of the church was illustrated for me in two ways during the past year. The first was the complete silence of both conference papers, theChristianLeaderand theMennoniteBrethrenHerald, on Pentecost. We make much of Christmas and Easter but nothing...
What is Pentecost? Why Does It Matter? What is the Meaning and Spiritual Significance of Pentecost? How can Pentecost make a difference in your
When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And ...
Well, God of the journey, there’s no going back to ordinary time; the trek has begun. There’s no going back to “normal”, whatever normal was: we have been forever changed by all that has happened in the past twelve months – a racial reckoning that we ignore to the peril of bo...
Understanding The Law Part 2: The Prophets In this episode, the guys continue their discussion of the law with a look at the prophets. The prophetic books in the Bible are an interesting follow up to the Torah. The prophets seemed to really be getting at God?s heart behind the law, and...
Grave soaking In the Bible, a dead man was put in the grave of Elisha, and when the man's corpse touched the dead bones of Elisha, he was revived. This was
What was January 29, 1953, on the Hebrew calendar? What is the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar? What year is 5776 on the Hebrew calendar? What year was 2013 on the Hebrew calendar? What happened in year 1 of the Jewish calendar? Who created the Hebrew calendar? What year was 2003...
What is the description of love provided in the Book of Ruth? What allegorical elements are in the Book of Ruth? What happened to Orpah in the Book of Ruth? What are some important lessons form the Book of Ruth? What genre is the Book of Ruth in the Bible?
I asked him what had happened, and he said that he had blocked a shot on goal in physical education class (with a teacher somewhere present). The kid who tried to score became enraged and began trying to hit my son on the head by striking downward with an overhand swing with the ...