what the Jordan experience was to Jesus, Pentecost was to the disciples. Jesus entered the new age via his baptism in the Spirit at the Jordan River. The disciples followed him in the event of Pentecost. Now the experience of the new age was extended to include Jesus’ disciples. ...
欢迎来到新的 SermonAudio! 🎉 SermonAudio 很自豪地推出了我们全新的网站!这是一个经过多年打造的里程碑。新网站从头开始构建,充分利用了现代网络技术,在桌面浏览器和移动设备上都能提供更流畅的体验。 了解有关新 SermonAudio 网站的更多信息 正在寻找旧的 SermonAudio? 如果您想继续使用原始的 SermonAudio ...
In the new testament, Jesus tells his disciples inMatthew 24:34–“Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened”.According to many Bible prophecy preachers (Amir Tsarfati,Billy Crone,Jack Kelley,Jan Markell,Jack Hibbs,JD Farag,John Barnett,Skip ...
9-11 happened at 9 am in the 9thmonth on the solar Gregorian calendar, but on the 6thmonth on the Islamic lunar calendar.There were 3 planes, and 3 buildings went down. 11 and 19 are also a special numbers to them, in their numerology. They tend to favor the anniversaries of religiou...
Of course, in the New Testament we have John the Baptist and Jesus Christ Himself speaking to a Herodian king, Pharisee Jew Power and the Jerusalem Great Sanhedrin, then again after the Resurrection and Pentecost, the Apostles at Jerusalem standing up to that same corrupt government. Nor can...