And that’s essentially what happened in 2016: Trump beat his polls by just a few points in just a few states. The presidential polls were, simply,notthatoff. State-level polling was less accurate, although as editor-in-chief Nate Silver wrote after the election, it was “still...
#書# 2017《What Happened》7/10雖然有失公允,不過讀完希拉里這本“總統競選自傳”,真的沒有比“然并卵”這三個字更貼切了——就像是一層一層的拔開洋蔥,到了最後,什麼都沒有,連希望的萌芽都看不到,有的只是假裝放下“Now when people ask how I’m doing, I say that, as an American, I’m more ...
The Department of Health declared its intention to consider the move in November 2010 and consulted through 2012. But the plan was suspended in July 2013. It did not escape notice that a lobbying firm set up by Lynton Crosby, David Cameron’s election campaign director, had previously acted f...
What happened? Nine months after his acquittal, Mr. Trump lost the2020 presidential electiontoJoe Biden. But the president refused to concede. In the two months after the election, Mr. Trump insisted he won the race and spreadfalse conspiracy theoriesabout election fraud. His legal team filed ...
000 voters in New Hampshire had used the state’s same-day voter registration procedures to register and vote. The current New Hampshire speaker of the House, Shawn Jasper,sought and obtained dataabout what happened to these 6,000 “new” New Hampshire voters who showed up on Election Day. ...
Wanna know what happened in 2016? We got a ton of graphs for you. The paper’s calledVoting patterns in 2016: Exploration using multilevel regression and poststratification (MRP) on pre-election polls, it’s by Rob Trangucci, Imad Ali, Doug Rivers, and myself, and here’s the abstract...
The November election between Trump and Harris has divided Silicon Valley in ways previous elections haven’t. A growing contingent of high-profile industry leaders—Sacks, Elon Musk, and venture capitalist cofounders Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz—have thrown their...
Orphanides A., (2016), `What happened in Cyprus? The Economic Consequences of the Last Communist Government in Europe', in Michaelides A., and Orphanides A. (eds.), The Cyprus Bail-in: Policy lessons from the Cyprus Economic Crisis, Chapter 5, pp. 163-207. Imperial College Press....
This is happening as he campaigns to become president again, in the 2024 election. 伴随着这一切同步进行的是特朗普继续参加2024年的总统选举。 Here is what the case is about. 这是案件的一些情况。 1 What just happened? 到底发生了什么?
Assad is the second generation of an autocratic family dynasty that held power in Syria for more than five decades. A former ophthalmologist who studied in London, Assad took power in an unopposed election following the death of his father Hafez al-Assad, who had led the Baath Party since ...