The map above shows what the 2016 US Presidential Election results would have been if votes not cast for Hillary, Trump or one of the third party candidates had gone to fictional candidate “Did Not Vote.” See the 2020 results here. Disclaimer: The map above was accurate as of January ...
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham pressed President Trump's nominee for FBI director, Christopher Wray, on whether he would look into any Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election.
It's a question that has followed Trump since January, when he said for the first time at a press conference in Trump Tower shortly before taking office that he accepted Russia was behind the election year hacking of Democrats that roiled the White House race. "As far as hacking, I think...
There was more discussion of e-mails and e-mail servers in the 2016 election than any previous campaign. Yet, practically no attention was paid to the actual e-mails distributed by campaigns themselves. This study explores how presidential campaigns used e-mail as a strategic tool during the ...
Anger and unrest in the 2016 electorate 07:11 Share this - Copied The Morning Joe panel talks about Ron Fournier's opinion piece, "Circling the Drain with Trump" featured in The Atlantic.March 15, 2016 UP NEXT Meacham: Barr's decided his fate is better off with Trump than the rule of...
2017. “The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election.” FiveThirtyEight, May 3. Accessed May 28, 2019. Solomon, Dave. 2016. “As Others Bail on Trump, New Hampshire Candidate for Governor Stands ...
The 2016 presidential election brought many proposals to the fore, several with potentially significant impacts in the U.S.-Mexico border region. Republican candidate, Donald Trump, promised to build a border wall, return manufacturing jobs to the U.S., impose import tariffs, and scrap or ...
Psychopathology in the 2016 ElectionRabbi Michael LernerIn present-day America we are witnessing the way the ethos of global capitalism and its impact on daily life shapes and nurtures a growing societal-based psychopathology. No matter who wins in November 2016, anger and hate-oriented political ...
In this chapter, I present a discussion of the academic literature oriented toward presidential elections, Iowa elections, and the 2016 election. The literature is used to theoretically develop models of vote choice using county-level data. The county-level modeling reveals that Trump was able to ...
WikiLeaks, Key Player in 2016 U.S. Election, Suffers Brief Outage More By Raphael Satter WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secret-spilling website WikiLeaks, a pivotal player in the email leaks that buffeted the 2016 U.S. presidential election, suffered a brief outage on Monday. Visitors ...