百因必有果What goes around comes around 每日学一句,英语日常口语#关注我每天坚持分享知识 #英语口语启蒙教学 #英语情景对话 #英语每天一分钟 #看电影学英语 - 坤记讲英语于20230901发布在抖音,已经收获了63.9万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
What goes around,comes around.善有善报,恶有恶报 10月前·河南 0 分享 回复 Lily四叶草🍀 ... what goes around, comes around. 10月前·爱尔兰 0 分享 回复 格德米斯大头目 ... 应该这么翻译[大笑][大笑]出来混迟早要还的 作者赞过 10月前·北京 ...
When you throw a boomerang, it comes right back to you. 当你抛出一个回旋镖,它最终会回到你手上。 That might help you understand this saying: What goes around comes around. 这可能有助于你理解这个用法:What goes around comes around。 Anna, I brought in muffins. But Bob from accounting ate...
善有善报,恶有恶报,这是流传于世间的一句古老谚语,它强调的是因果律,即任何行为都将带来相应的后果。不管是在西方世界中以“what goes around comes around”表达,还是在东方文化中以“善有善报恶有恶报”或“种瓜得瓜种豆得豆”为表述,其核心思想相同,即任何善行或恶行最终都会以某种形式回馈...
亲爱的小伙伴们,相信大家一定见过这个谚语what goes around comes around,它的含义用英文解释的话是: used to say that if someone treats other people badly he or she will eventually be treated badly by someone else 也就是我们中文俗语里所说的“善有善报恶有恶报”或者“种瓜得瓜种豆得豆”。 大家...
Welcome to English in a Minute! When you throw a boomereang, it comes right back to you.That might help you understand this saying: What goes around comes around. What goes around comes around 善恶终有报 Jonathan:Anna, I brought in muff...
英文有句成语叫what goes around comes around,类似中文的「因果循环、自食其果」。《牛津字典》将它定义为︰「The consequences of one's actions will have to be dealt with eventually」,一个人的行为所造成的后果最终必定会出现。另外,我们可以说you got what you deserved,是指「自食其果、活该」。愿肇事...
What Goes Around Comes Around的意思是:种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;风水轮流转;因果报应等。这句话是一句常用的英语谚语,其深层含义指的是因果报应或者循环报应的观念。具体解释如下:一、字面的解释 从字面上来看,“What Goes Around Comes Around”描述的是一种循环、往复的现象。就像是一...
It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. (Pele) Poem of the Day The Morning Moon Derek Walcott Beauty of Words What Goes Around, Comes Around...
结论是,"what goes around comes around"这句话常常被理解为因果报应,即行为的后果会返回到行为者身上。然而,这个表达并不适用于所有情况,特别是在探讨复杂的社会和政治问题时。以暴力滋生暴力的论断与"what goes around"的概念类似,但将其直接替换为"千金散尽还复来"则可能曲解了原意。暴力的后果...