“电音舞曲R&B”风潮代表专辑;各种“00年代最佳专辑”榜单常客——如果是主流流行专辑榜单,排名还能再高些;手握一把可以入选各种“00年代最佳单曲”榜单的热单: SexyBack、My Love(P4K年度最佳单曲)、What Goes Around... / ...Comes Around (Interlude)...说来有趣,Timbaland自己的solo专辑或者为别人制作的专辑...
亲爱的小伙伴们,相信大家一定见过这个谚语what goes around comes around,它的含义用英文解释的话是: used to say that if someone treats other people badly he or she will eventually be treated badly by someone else 也就是我们中文俗语里所说的“善有善报恶有恶报”或者“种瓜得瓜种豆得豆”。 大家...
1 what goes around comes around 它的中文释义是“一报还一报,因果报应”。就是一个人的行为所带来的后果终将自己去面对。如果你对别人不好,你最终将受到别人的不好对待。原文释义如图。2 第二:接下来 ,我给大家几个非常棒的原声例句,加深对这个谚语的理解。像Russpickedonmebackinhighschool,andnowhehas...
What goes around comes around,中文意思是善恶到头终有报!也就是我们所说的“出来混迟早要还的”!例句:You should be nice to people--what goes around comes ar - Fancy英语口语于20220827发布在抖音,已经收获了25.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The naughty kid was trying to throw the cat into the pool but ended up getting herself tripped into the water instead. What goes around comes around!(这个淘气的小孩试图把猫扔进水池却把自己绊进了水里,遭报应了吧!) 拓展延伸 有相似用法的俚语: ...
You know what they say, what goes around comes around.你明白他们所说的,该来的躲不掉。But just remember that 'what goes around comes around,' meaning that life has a funny way of giving back what you put out.意思是说,你给了生活什么,生活就会以奇特的方式回馈你什么。Someone once said: ...
以下为答案区 What goes around comes around.一报还一报 [what goes around ]comes around 直译就是:转过去了的东西又转回来了!(想象一下轮辐转过一圈又回到起点,以及摆来摆去的钟摆——一切恢复到原样/点)还可以理解为李白的诗句:千金散尽还复来!(失去的终会回来)中国人相信因果报应,...
What Goes Around Comes Around的意思是:种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;风水轮流转;因果报应等。这句话是一句常用的英语谚语,其深层含义指的是因果报应或者循环报应的观念。具体解释如下:一、字面的解释 从字面上来看,“What Goes Around Comes Around”描述的是一种循环、往复的现象。就像是一...
Russ picked on me back in high school, and now he has his own bully. What goes around comes around. 拉斯在高中的时候霸凌过我,现在他也成了霸凌的对象了。这是善有善报恶有恶报。 You should not mistreat them. What goes around comes around. ...
天上的风筝哪儿去了,一眨眼,不见了 小福建说会一辈子记得今天的时刻,我说我不会。因为我知道我不会记得 人生还长,曾经的刻骨铭心,现在甚至都没办法回想 所以我不在意快乐,也不在意痛苦,因为那都是短暂的感受,如流星,或者如难得一见的性高潮,在那之后,便是常态和虚空 ...