People with celiac disease can now have confidence in the meaning of a "gluten-free" label on foods. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a final rule that defines what characteristics a food has to have to bear a label that proclaims it "g
Lectins were discovered almost 130 years ago, in 1888. That’s well over a decade before aviation, something we have since mastered. Yet these commonly occurring compounds largely remain a mystery. And while you may not be flying every day, it’s guaranteed that you are eating foods containin...
When you are in need of a gluten-free diet, it’s important to understand the general food groups where you can find gluten-free foods. Here’s a general list of common food groups that have no gluten or risk of gluten contamination. Fruits Fresh fruits do not have any gluten, nor do...
Foods that contain gluten, nitrates, MSG, or artificial sweeteners Sunlight, bright or flashing lights, loud noises, smoke, or strong smells Heat, humidity, or changes in the weatherHow is a migraine headache diagnosed?Your healthcare provider will ask about your headaches. Describe the pain and...
Crown them with strips of bacon, yogurt and more chopped scallions. Bon Appetit! Great moments in pancake history How did pancakes become one of America’s most beloved comfort foods? Looking back, here are some milestones in the humble pancake’s rise to fame. The first mention of pancakes...
Orthorexia is anunhealthy obsession with eating healthy. People with this disorder have very restrictive eating habits. They may eat only raw food or foods that are “clean.” People with orthorexia may avoid eating entire groups of foods. They may avoid gluten or artificial purposes. ...
What if there was something you could do right now to cut your cancer risk in half? Several of the most common (and aggressive) cancers have to do with your gastrointestinal system. The top 10 cancer causing foods are: Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) Microwave Popcorn Canned Goods Grilled ...
TheInflammation Crushing Ebundleis designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and Thrive in Life! As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing...
Even though most liquor is technically gluten-free, it's still possible to have a gluten-related reaction to the alcohol you drink. This is likely due to the ingredients added after the alcohol is distilled, Jaramillo explains. So, it's best to purchase pure alcohol, steering clear of diffe...
help and advice for a gluten free life. What foods to eat and which ones to avoid, hidden gluten in many unsuspecting products, sleep and excersise advice. Living with an allergy can be frustrating, especially when the thing your allergic to can be hidden inside product you never dreamed ...