Biotic factorsmean all factors or components of the environment that are “biotic” or living. Therefore, these factors comprise live organisms belonging to any kingdom such as Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Monera, and Protoctista. The effects of these organisms on crop growth and yield are varied....
What factors affect the electrical conductivity of the soil How to measure EC in soil What’s Soil Electrical Conductivity (EC) Soil EC refers to the electrical conductivity of a solution within a unit distance, and it represents the content of soluble salts in the matrix, also known as salin...
3 There were three factors playing roles in her quick recovery from the illness: appropriate medical advice, the right medicine, and enough rest. (at work) 4 When problems occur, People usually find excuses to avoid responsibility. (tendency) 5 The colours of the forest change with the season...
particularly agricultural products and energy commodities. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, and extreme temperatures can affect crop yields, livestock production, electricity demand, and transportation of goods. Weather-related factors can result in short-term price fluctuations and supply disruptions. ...
The test results found no grave problem of multicollinearity among the independent variables in all the three models since variance inflation factors (VIF) were all below the cut-off point of 10. The mean VIFs were 3.08, 3.23, and 1.36 for the first, second, and third models, respectively....
Both of these factors affect the preferences of consumers as Brix values provide information about the sweetness of the fruit (therefore the taste) while carotenoids act as an indicator for nutritional value. This database can also provide users with Micro-Tom mutant seeds that can be used for ...
Inflation can be caused by various factors, including increased production costs associated with raw materials, labor, or market disruptions. Higher demand can also lead to inflation, and certain fiscal and monetary policies, such as tax cuts or lower interest rates, are potential drivers as well....
2.2. Stem elongation and other factors Internode cell length and the number of internodes directly affect PH. Although internode elongation is caused by the transition from the vegetative to reproductive process, the vegetative SAM induces the elongation of the uppermost 4 or 5 internodes in rice,...
climatic edaphic biotic socio-economic climatic factors the climatic factors that affect crop production include: precipitation temperature atmospheric humidity solar radiation wind velocity atmospheric gases edaphic factors the growth of the plants depends upon the type of soil on which they are grown. ...
factors such as yield potential, bean size, quality potential, how tolerant it is to disease, and whether it’s susceptible to wind or drought. Some varieties are selectively grown to produce a high yield, helping a farmer earn more money, while others are grown due to distinct flavor ...