George T. Why crop yields in developing countries have not kept pace with advances in agronomy. Glob Food Sec 2014;3:49-58.George T. (2014). Why crop yields in developing countries have not kept pace with advances in agronomy. Global Food Security, 3(1), 49-58. doi: http://dx.doi...
An increasing number of people are changing careers during their working life. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do you think this is a positive or negative development for society? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience....
you’ll likely suffer fewer crop losses due to the reduced chance of plant infections being an issue, helping you to retain your profits, protect your farm and grow healthy, stable crops. It’s no wonder an increasing number of commercial farmers are ...
Sustainability is more of a reactive approach where efforts are focussed on not harming the environment and stopping the irresponsible consumption of the Earth’s resources. In contrast, regeneration is more of a proactive approach where the focus is to prevent harm, actively fight ...
As pointed out by several authors, access to farming inputs, among which fertilizers and other yield-increasing techniques (e.g., irrigation, fertilizer application, weed control, and crop spacing), increases adoption of improved varieties (Baiyegunhi et al.2022; Fadare et al.2014; Liverpool-...
supplying just north of 70% of the world’s cocoa.12Supply fluctuations are a result of a number of factors, from political and civil unrest to labor issues and the effect of weather, diseases, and pests on crop yields. For example, long periods of dry weather are not conducive to cocoa...
Polluted air and steadily rising temperatures are linked to health effects ranging from increased heart attacks and strokes to the spread of infectious diseases and psychological trauma.
In the coming decades, the agriculture sector will face increasing pressure to provide food security for a rapidly increasing world population without increasing its overall environmental footprint. One option to attain higher biomass and grain yields could be the modification of present fertilization tec...
All forms of hydroponics, including DWC, increase crop yields. In comparison to soil-grown plants, DWC systems may increase yields by as much as 30% or more. DWC also speeds up plant growth by as much as 50 to 60% or more than traditional methods. ...
Nowadays, the honey industry is valued at over9.21 billion dollarswith an annual growth rate of 8.2% due to increasing demands and promotion of the health benefits of this golden nectar. Honey is, of course, made by the infamous honeybee. But did you know that there are over20,000bee spe...